PvP Stun Shield Update Scaling stun shields have been added to PvP combat. When a player is stunned by a spell, the number of stun shields that appear on that stunned player are equal to the number of players on the opposing team.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 1v1, one Stun Shield will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 2v2, two Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 3v3, three Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 4v4, four Stun Shields will appear.
Bravo! Well done, KI! Thank you for addressing the issue in such a timely manner!
Hmm...I wonder if the Stun Resist gear are redundant now?
Conviction already provides a hefty 90% Stun Resist. Just having the card itself in your hand is reasonable enough to create a balanced uncertainty factor, but with a potential 60% *passive* Stun Resist provided by the Amulet, Athame and Ring, it may be over the top. Stun spells like Frost Giant and Storm Lord lose their effectiveness when the chance to stop an opponent from moving is nearly based on the flip of a coin.
Because Earthquake no longer removes Stun Shields (thankfully! Appreciate this fix, as well!), and because of the adequate Chain-Stun protection provided by a variable number of Stun Blocks, perhaps the PVP Amulet, Ring, and Athame could use a significant nerf, perhaps to 10% on each?
I like the concept but I have a question, does this also apply to regular combat, like with monsters (usually the ones in celestia) because I think it shouldnt be confined to just the PVP arena, (and/or the massive fantasty palace and celestian observatory.)
also, I liked that new stun sheild graphic that was breifly on the wintertusk test realm, the one that was sort of claw shaped. I would like to see that in the live game.
Awesome love it. My question is is this the start of new PvP like as in separating it from main play(PvE) rules? Would be awesome, just unsure if it is possible or not.
its makes stun too too too too hard to cast! it has so many chances to fail! so what you miss a round its not a big deal and chain stunning is almost impossible now with the lack of conjurers!
PvP Stun Shield Update Scaling stun shields have been added to PvP combat. When a player is stunned by a spell, the number of stun shields that appear on that stunned player are equal to the number of players on the opposing team.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 1v1, one Stun Shield will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 2v2, two Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 3v3, three Stun Shields will appear.
If you are stunned by a spell in a 4v4, four Stun Shields will appear.
Two things, first off - chain stunning was no longer being used thanks to four stun blocks.
Secondly, this change basicly means stunning is only really useful for myth and sometimes ice, instead of costing 6 pips to remove stun blocks it costs 0, i have a level 60 myth and i can stun then remove shield then use medusa then remove stun shield, then stun again then remove shield and fire medusa again, my opponement spends 2/3s of the fight stunned, which really makes them mad. :D