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Chromebook Download Instructions (Beta)

Written Instructions
  1. Check to make sure you have Intel or AMD CPU. You should have at least 20GB of free space, 8GB of ram, and have the latest updates for your system installed.
  2. Go to the settings from either app launcher menu or by clicking on the date/time listing on the bottom right of the main screen. Scroll down to advanced settings and click on "developers".
  3. In the developer section of advanced settings locate "Linux development environment" and turn it on. Follow the prompts and be sure to allocate at least 20GB for linux. Close the command terminal that opens when Linux finishes installing.
  4. Download the Wizard101 ChromeOS beta (.deb, Debian) installer.
  5. Navigate to your download and double click it.


  1. Open the app browser.
  2. Find the Linux terminal (will be at the bottom of your apps list or in your Linux folder) and launch it.
  3. Select Penguin
  4. Now you’re in the terminal (hooray).
  5. We’re going to type these 4 commands into the terminal command line (ie the old timey window we just pulled up) to remove Wizard 101. Type the line indicated in bold. Then press enter.
    • sudo apt list --installed | grep wizard101
      Searches for the app’s package name, it should also be "wizard101". If it is different, then use that instead of "wizard101" in the next step.
    • sudo apt purge wizard101
      Press "y" to confirm
      Removes app and config files.
    • sudo apt autoremove
      Removes dependencies from uninstalled apps
    • rm -rf ~/.wizard101
      Removes information copied to user’s home account
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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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© 2025 KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Try the new version of Wizard101 before it's released!