New Spells from the
Wysteria's Lore Pack!
The Wysteria's Lore pack is now available in the Crown Shop, and with it your Wizard has a chance to gain new spells like the Pigsie, Ninja Piglets and Angry Snowpig! There's also a chance to get other cool new items including...
- Wysteria Warrior's Armor Set
- Wysteria Warrior's Sword
- Greenman Sapling Pet
- New Pet Snacks
- And much more!
The spells from the Wysteria's Lore Pack are reward spells, and do not cost your Wizard a training point. They will go into your spellbook just like any spell you have learned from a trainer, and they will not disappear when you sell your spells back for Training Points with Mr. Lincoln. They will obey the rules of a normal spell, meaning you can blade, trap, enchant etc. If you receive a spell from the Wysteria's Lore Pack, it will not appear as a reward again on that character. You cannot delete or sell these special spells.
Pigsie Spell
Ninja Piglets Spell
Angry Snowpig Spell
Power Pips & Wysteria's Lore Spells
Wysteria's Lore Pack spells will obey the rules of pips and power pips. If you are a Myth Wizard and receive a Myth spell it will use your pips and power pips accordingly. If you are a Balance Wizard and receive a Myth spell, it will use your pips & power pips accordingly. If you are wearing a Myth Mastery Amulet, it will use your pips & power pips accordingly.