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Spring Update
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Magic Weaving and More!

Prepare to dive into the enchanting new features in the new Spring Update: Magic Weaving and More!

In Test Realm, players had the chance to play test the new Liches & Legends Gauntlet as well as Player Hosted Tournaments. These new features will NOT be immediately available in this update, but will be coming soon in an extra game patch. Stay tuned for future announcements!

Update Content:


Update Notes


Rank 4 Magic Weaving

Uncover lost magical lore and continue your explorations with the Order of the Fang. New quests pick up right where you left off. Talk to your tree in the Blended Grove to discover new spells, old secrets and things hidden since the dawn of the Spiral.

These quests are available to players who have reached Rank 3 with a Weaving School and have completed the main storyline through Avalon.

As with Ranks 1-3, you’ll get special rewards based on the school you weave into. In this update:
  • Balance and Ice receive new Fusion Formulae
  • Storm and Life give you new utility spells
  • Fire, Myth, and Death receive a new pet and new jewels

New Spellements and Spell Updates

Spellements have been added to the final three main worlds that were missing spellements – Polaris, Mirage, and Empyrea! Polaris spells are the 6-pip 1-shadow spells; Mirage, the 4-pip 1-shadow; and Empyrea, the 11-pip Scion spells. Like previous spellement updates, this includes a new spellement path for each spell as well as upgrades for the base spell.


You can find these spellements in all the same places that spellements typically appear...
  • Various bosses throughout the world associated with the spell or the 4 worlds after that world. Scales of Destiny required for over leveled wizards
  • Scales of Knowledge have been added to the final bosses of Polaris, Mirage, Empyrea, Karamelle, Lemuria, and Novus
  • Main and Side quest rewards throughout the worlds associated with the spells
  • Cantrip Chests throughout the world associated with the spell
  • Cantrip Chests have been added to Polaris, Mirage, and Empyrea
  • The Reagent and Chest Audit has extended to Polaris, Mirage, and Empyrea as well
  • Boss Rematches of the world associated with the spell. More on these new rematches below
  • “Retriever” pet talents throughout the world associated with the spell or the 4 worlds after that world
  • If your pet has the “Elemental Retriever” or “Spiritual Retriever” talent unlocked, you can activate it in the new worlds to earn some new spellements
  • Cabal’s Revenge Raid, which is set in Polaris
  • Portal of Peril Recipes
In addition to these 3 sets of spells, we also updated the spellement paths of all shadow enhanced spells including the spells earned from Karamelle, Lemuria, and Castle Darkmoor. You can now train these spells (with the exception of Castle Darkmoor) all via the Arcanum Scholars with any school.

With this update in particular, we have also restored the original versions of many modified spells. Highlights include Fire from Above, Raging Bull, Hungry Caterpillar, and Mockenspiel.

2025 Housing Gauntlet: Liches & Legends


You’ve been working hard. You’ve saved the Spiral from monsters and maniacs. You have completed quests, crafted rare armor, picked up laundry. You deserve a break. You deserve to play… a game. And not just any game! The ultimate game!

The quintessential tabletop experience known as “Liches & Legends.” Join Deborah Highroller as they guide you through this exciting new adventure, where you select from 5 classes, navigate your way through multiple narrative and gameplay options, and uncover hidden secrets and variable endings. Choose your character, choose your path, choose your legend!

This year’s housing gauntlet focuses on meaningful choices: First, you will have a chance to choose from among several different Liches and Legends characters. And once you are on the adventure, you get to choose your path, affecting both the gameplay and the outcome of the story. Please submit all your feedback so we can make sure all mechanics are clear and fun!

Some details on the Gauntlet:
  • There are a total of 27 possible combinations from 3 choices – Each one changing something in the encounter, whether it’s story, player stats, or final boss settings.
  • There are always 4 characters. If you’re in the encounter with one, two, or three players, the gauntlet will grant one or more followers to fill out the combat spots you are missing.
  • When choosing a character role, you can look at its card deck before selecting Yes or No.
  • Once play begins and you are polymorphed into your chosen character role, you can press “P” to view the polymorph’s card deck.

The Liches & Legends Gauntlet Recipe can be found in the housing tab of Lloyd FallingWater in the Shopping District.


Although you will had a chance to play test The Liches & Legends Gauntlet during Test Realm, the final product will NOT be immediately available in-game at launch. Stay tuned for future announcements for the official release in an upcoming patch update.

Arc 3 Boss Rematches


Boss Rematches return, featuring the Arc 3 bosses. Boss Rematches are 1-time use Housing Items that contain single fights where you face the final bosses of each world, and sometimes these villains recruit some other creatures from iconic encounters throughout the world they’re from. These enemies are more powerful than the last time you crossed their paths, so you may need help from other wizards to defeat them once again.

To create a Rematch, harvest some reagents in the world you’d like to craft, then visit Raquel in the Arena or your world’s local housing vendor. After your first attempt, the rematch object becomes cheaper to craft.

Standard / Challenge Mode

Just like with the Arc 2 Rematches, there is both a Standard and a Challenge mode available. The difficulty of the fights is scaled to level 130, the expected level for Arc 3 completion. Don't worry if you're higher than level 130, as you can still participate. You can play in Standard mode with your current stats and spells at no cost to you, but if that’s too easy there’s always Challenge mode. In Challenge mode you’ll be scaled to level 130 and put your skills to the test. Like other Challenge Modes, you will receive a Gold Skeleton Key for your first victory!

Polaris – The Rat Rematch
  • Rasputin never dies! The Rat returns with even grander designs. Can you defeat him before his homemade Titan crushes you?

Mirage – Grandfather Spider Rematch
  • Grandfather Spider is joined by Bort Shadowmane, Shadowbones, and the Shadowwock in the Sands of Time for another round of fun. There’s so many games to play, and so much time to play them!

Empyrea – Titan's Trident Rematch
  • The Storm Titan rages again! Now you must stand alone - No Mellori, no Bat - against the power that destroyed the First World.

Team Up Improvements


Inspired by a kind player who made some mock-ups for us, we have made some improvements to Team Up!
  • When you start a Team Up from a sigil you can specify a level range of players that you want to help you. Players outside that level range won’t see your Team Up. (This may make it take longer to find a team.)
  • When you’re waiting for a Team Up to start, the player’s level is displayed under their school icon.
  • When you’re waiting for a Team Up to start, you can chat with the other waiting players. Be nice! Normal chat rules apply.
  • 15 seconds after the Team Up timer starts, players can vote to start the instance early.


Releasing Pets

We’ve added a more humane way to deal with pets that you no longer need. A new option on the Hatchmaking Kiosk allows pets to be released to roam free around the Pet Pavilion.


New Bazaar UI

After much discussion and some thousand-yard stares, we have decided upon a new, standard look for all inventory UI. As a first test of the design, we’ve converted the Bazaar to the new standard. If the community feedback is positive, we’ll convert other UI to this new standard as time permits. Tell us what you think!


Magic Weaving Lessons UI


Instead of the old Weaving Tome, you can now view your progress in your Magic Weaving lessons from the tree of your Weaving School! Simply select “Magic Weaving Tome” and you can view all badges for that school’s weaving quests.

Beastmoon Updates

New Beastmoon Forms

Myth Cyclops

This final Myth Beastmoon form summons a new type of minion and punishes Positive Wards like no other form before. He also combines traps and DOTs in a way that will be very difficult to defend against.

Ice Rat Thief

The long-awaited Ice Rat Thief is here! He comes out of the gate swinging with the possibility of a powerful trap on turn 1 and has many tricks up his sleeve to keep himself alive as a small form.

Beastmoon Schedule

Above are the expected Pets and Gold Idols for the next few months of Beastmoon events!

Check out the Event Schedule for the exact dates of the events and be sure to keep watch on the Live update notes and the game’s social media channels for any upcoming announcements.

New Beastmoon Rewards

The fourth Beastmoon gear set has arrived! If you like the look of the Rat Thief beast form, check out Actaeon in the Beastmoon Pavilion for the recipes.

Celestia Improvements

Here at KingsIsle we are constantly looking to create the best player experience possible. As such, we are examining old worlds with fresh eyes and making improvements where we’ve noticed players having a little more trouble than usual

Celestia is the first world on our list, and we have made several changes:
  • Teleporters have been added to several areas to help with navigation.
  • Mob stats have been updated to follow our current combat difficulty model.
  • Mob decks have been modified to replace particularly problematic spells (Stun, etc.).
  • There is a new, auctionable gear set that will help players remain competitive without requiring them to stop and farm as often.
  • The Celestial set bonus gear is now auctionable. We have also modified the drop rates to relieve the amount of these that were previously overwhelming your backpacks.
  • For our players who do enjoy farming, there is a new level 60 epic gearset (with pin slots) that drops at several bosses.
  • Level 60 pins now drop at several bosses for dual school afficionados.
  • Additional second chance chests have been added to a few bosses.

Magic Mirror Changes


The Magic Mirror Shop now offers some new wigs for a low gold price! These wigs can also be dyed to a Varity of colors in the Dye Shop. Feel free to express yourself using these new options.


Advanced Housing now has a settings window with 2 options:
  • When picking up an item, you can elect not to pick up supported items.
  • There’s an option to make Wallpaper and Tile items interchangeable.
  • Several new Housing sign options have been added.
  • If a guild leader hasn't logged in for over a year, we’ll make another player the guild leader. The player chosen as guild leader is the player who has been in the guild the longest and who has logged in sometime in the last year.
  • When collecting Prima Materia, other loot notifications are now displayed correctly.
  • The Auction House filters now apply only to equipment.
  • The page buttons on the world gate to wrap around.
  • “Join a Team” Magic Weaving Lessons are no longer world specific.
  • Added Moon Dust recipe to Madam Magda.
  • Reshuffle added to Khonsu’s Myth polymorph in Standard.
  • Added Raid Music Scrolls to Crying Sky and Cabal’s Revenge Raids.
  • Added Arc 2 spells and Event spells to Arcanum Scholars.

Bug Fixes

  • Single Negative Charm “Stack Overflow” no longer removes all in the Cabal’s Revenge Raid.
  • Bottom Path of Medusa works as expected when casting with Fire Wizard.
  • Restored 1 Hour Pendragon Gate Key to Adam Usk.
  • Invading Fleets no longer loops infinitely when activating the doom moon after all ships have been defeated.
  • Jake the Smoke Monster doesn’t count Auras as Blades anymore.
  • Added missing Lemuria Side Quests to Legend of Lemuria badge.
  • Enraged Forest Lord no longer sounds like a Kraken.
  • Divine Cabalist no longer reacts to Shrike in the Cabal’s Revenge Raid.
  • Krokosphinx in Selenopolis now casts some spells other than blades.
  • Khonsu’s Malus polymorph hits properly in Challenge.
  • Death Weaving’s Adherent of the Fang no longer gives the badge during the quest.
  • Fixed some Life Weaving Polymorphs to have the correct components needed for fusion.
  • Tut Ragers in Fire Weaving corrected to Elites not Bosses.
  • Fixed Khonsu Challenge mode to not randomly trigger twice on the Ice Polymorph.
  • Added missing Death Punishing Pins to Zelicia the SnoopingOne.
  • Fixed Evil Magmaman’s Ice DOTs to sound like Ice.
  • Fixed Skeletal Pirate pet card to match trained version.

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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