 November 2011
Welcome to the November 2011 Update Notes Page. What are Update Notes you ask? Every time we update Wizard101, we like to let our players know what changes have been made and what new additions have been given to the game. Update Notes explain those changes and updates.
This month's updates include the new world of Zafaria, new levels, new pets, new badges and much more
| | | | | | | Dire News from Zafaria
If you are a level 55* Wizard and have successfully completed the quest "Through This Door" speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower in Wizard City.
 Young Wizard, I need a favor. Please come to my office in the Commons as soon as you can! We have a small crisis which I hope you can help with. It involves travel to the world of Zafaria. I was there, long ago...
Sir Reginald Baxby and Dalia Falmea created a student exchange program to Zafaria. Her assistant, Umlilo Sunchaser, led the first expedition. They were supposed to be studying, but the class and Professor Umlilo have both disappeared. Your help investigating this mystery would be appreciated. Go and ask Reginald Baxby in Golem Court for the Spiral key.
But beware, while it is a lush and vibrant land, Zafaria was once the home of Morganthe and even still her agents sow the seeds of chaos. As war threatens to sweep over the grasslands and penetrate deep into the jungles of Zafaria, Morganthe plots to recover the heart of her lost power, and fulfill the words of the prophecy.

Zafaria contains 6 different areas that can be accessed with a Membership or individual areas in Zafaria can be purchased for 1695  each.
*this requirement was dropped from level 60 to level 55 in February of 2014
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| | | | | Wizards can now achieve Level 70!
 With the addition of Zafaria, Wizards can now achieve the maximum level of 70! This means all new gear and equipment for over level 60 Wizards, and it also means new challenges that will test even the most wizened player.
Please remember, no experience is rewarded for duels and quests completed while you were the prior maximum level of 60. When a player reaches the maximum level, their experience bar disappears, indicating they are not gaining experience from their duels or quests. No experience is rewarded to those who are at the maximum level, which means that everyone who was level 60 before we raised the level cap will be level 60 to start. Now that we have raised the level cap, you can once again start earning new experience points from your adventures.

Experience was not earned when you were level 60 and therefore cannot be granted after the level cap is raised.
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Level 68 Spells!For those of you who are level 68 or higher, and have already completed your level 58 school spell quest, speak to your individual professors for a new and very special assignment!
Alhazred in Krokotopia will instruct Balance Wizards to embark on the quest "The Purreau Project".
Dworgyn in Nightside will ask Death Wizards will to set out on the quest "Katzenstein Never Kloses".
Dalia Falmea in Ravenwood will direct Fire Wizards to begin the quest "Fire Walk With Me".
Lydia Greyrose in Ravenwood will make sure Ice Wizards commence their journey with the quest "Woolly Bully".
Moolinda Wu in Ravenwood will encourage Life Wizards to take up the quest "Gnome Mercy".
Cyrus Drake in Ravenwood will begrudgingly send Myth Wizards off with the quest "A View to a Kill".
Halston Balestrom in Ravenwood will call upon Storm Wizards to begin the quest "Sirens Fiction".
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| | | | | New Astral Spells

With the new world of Zafaria, comes stronger magic! New Astral Spells have come to the Spiral!
If you are level 64 or higher, and have completed the Celestia Quest "The Sun of All Fears" in the Chancel, talk to Inyanga Whitestripes in Baobab Crossroads to begin the quest "Astral Weeks".
If you are level 66 or higher, and have completed the Celestia Quest "The Sun of All Fears" in the Chancel AND completed the Zafaria quest "Tragedy of the Apes", talk to Inyanga Whitestripes in Baobab Crossroads to begin the quest "Bungle in the Jungle".
 To access the Sun Obelisk Astral Spell trainer, you must first complete the quest "Midnight Sun".
To train Extraordinary you must be a minimum of Level 64 and have trained the spell Unstoppable.
To train Colossal you must be a minimum of Level 64 and have trained the spell Gargantuan.
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| | | | | New Henchmen!
New level 50, 60 and 70 Henchmen are now available in the Crown Shop. You will notice that the previous Henchmen for level 50 and 60 have been removed and replaced with these upgraded Henchmen. They cost more but they are MUCH stronger!
Update: Based on player feedback, we have made some adjustments to the level 50, 60 and 70 Henchmen.
- Improved Life Henchmen so that they’re much better healers and will heal others before themselves.
- Added top ranked level appropriate spells to all Henchmen.
- Removed many weaker spells from Henchmen.
Level | School | Name | Type |
Level 50 | Balance | Stieg | Grendel |
Level 50 | Death | Slahan | Draconian |
Level 50 | Fire | Oddvor Kindleshard | Raven |
Level 50 | Ice | Hallvor Iceguard | Raven |
Level 50 | Life | Salvus | Draconian |
Level 50 | Myth | Stone Eye | Cyclops |
Level 50 | Storm | Torgut | Grendel |
Level 60 | Balance | Oceandroid | Fishbot |
Level 60 | Death | Silas McShane | Ghost Pirate |
Level 60 | Fire | Pon-Pei | Water-Mole |
Level 60 | Ice | Quintus Dis | Crab Soldier |
Level 60 | Life | Lucius Permarini | Hermit Crab |
Level 60 | Myth | Furio | Angler Thug |
Level 60 | Storm | Borasco | Sea Monster |
Level 70 | Balance | Aejej Stonetusk Musuth | Berserker |
Level 70 | Death | Khaldun Bloodtusk | Black Tusk Cultist |
Level 70 | Fire | Oldupai Bluefire | Fire Lion Ravager |
Level 70 | Ice | Segai Wintershield | Impi Raider |
Level 70 | Life | Jabari Longspear | Blackback Soldier |
Level 70 | Myth | Maman Brijit | Gorilla Spider-Witch |
Level 70 | Storm | Nandi Thunderspear | Iklaw Warrior |
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| | | | | Armor Piercing
 Introducing a new system for Wizards that will allow players to negate the defenses of their opponents and deliver deadly spell attacks even through heavily fortified opponents. Creatures of the Spiral do not yet have this ability.
Armor Piercing can be gained through gear, pet talents, and spells. Armor Piercing on spells can exist as enchantments from Sun school cards, beneficial effects from auras, or inherent Armor Piercing on a spell card.
Existing spells will be upgraded to include Armor Piercing in their calculation. The existing spell adjustments will be primarily on higher level Sun School Accuracy enchantments and are outlined below.
Spell | Old Value | New Value |
Unstoppable | +25 Accuracy | +25 Accuracy, 10% Armor Piercing |
Extraordinary | +30 Accuracy | +25 Accuracy, 15% Armor Piercing |
Armor Piercing is calculated by reducing the resistance of targeted enemies by the value of the Armor Piercing of the casted spell. For example, a spell cast with 7% Armor Piercing on a target with 90% resistance will have damage calculated by taking 83% of normal damage.
This Armor Piercing value is inclusive of any wards that are present on a target. For example, if a spell has a 20% Armor Piercing value and is cast on a player with a Tower Shield ( 50% Damage Resistance ) then the effective damage is only reduced by 30%. 
Armor Piercing does not work against Curses. ( Plague, Weakness, Efreet Curse )
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| | | | | Pet Feeding You've been asking for more ways to improve your pets, and currently the only thing we offer is the ability to play minigames and feed them pet snacks. Well all those strenuous minigames and duels have given your pets much bigger appetites than those measly snacks can fulfill, so we're introducing the ability to feed your pets items that you have in your backpack!
You will have the ability to feed your currently equipped pet any item* that's in your inventory and receive a variety of rewards ranging from gold, to treasure cards, to rare reagents, and sometimes occasionally even pet experience. Every item that is fed to a pet can either return gold, an item, or pet stats.
*excludes other pets, mounts and houses, and of course, this excludes Pet Snacks. Those can only be fed your pet as a reward for playing pet minigames.
Feeding a pet equipment & housing items is done through a simple 'Feed' button that appears next to the ‘Trash’ button in your backpack.  You can only feed a pet while it is equipped and you will get a confirmation window similar to the trash button. So start feeding your pets all those extra items that are taking up space in your backpack!
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| | | | | New Music Player!In the Wizard City Furniture Shop you will find a few new items, most importantly Aubert can now sell you a Music Player and Music Scrolls. Scrolls are used in the Music Player to allow you to have different world music in your Castle or Dorm. Aubert only stocks Wizard City Main Theme and Krokotopia Main Theme, but look for other ways to obtain scrolls from other worlds throughout the Spiral.
To change the music in your house, simply place the Music Box in the house and select it while in 'Furniture Placement Mode' - you will see a musical note icon appear that will indicate you can change the music. Clicking on the musical note will open the following window:

| | This window shows your Music Box and all the Scrolls in your Backpack

| | To add a Scroll to your Music Box, simply click on it and then click the "Add a Musical Scroll to the Music Player" button at the bottom. |

| | To view all the Scrolls you have in that particular Music Box, click the Magical Note tab at the top of the screen, and you will see a list of the 'equipped' scroll, and other scrolls you have associated with that Music Box. |
When you place a single Music Box outside, it will control the music for the entire exterior zone of your house.
When you place a single Music Box inside, it will control the music for that entire interior zone of your house.
When you place more than one Music Box in a zone of your house (inside or outside) the Music Box that you are closest to will dictate the music that is played for you.
 Music Scrolls can be found in shops and as potential rewards for dueling the bosses of each of the worlds of the Spiral. Now let the music play!
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Improved Character StatisticsWith the addition of Armor Piercing and some updates that our players have requested, we have made some minor changes to the way your Character Stat sheet looks for different levels of characters.

| | Current Stats Window Just as a reminder, this is how the stats page looks for any character (this is a level 1, so she doesn't have much!) |

| | New Stats Window for Under Level 10 Players who are under level 10 will see this panel. You'll notice that Power Pips, Critical and Block are missing from this panel, as players under level 10 cannot get these stats. |

| | New Stats Window for Over Level 10 Once a player reaches level 10, their stats window will gain a new 'Advanced Character Stats' button at the top of their Stat page. |

| | New Advanced Stats Window for Over Level 10 The Advanced Stats window will give you information on that character's Critical Rating, Block Rating, Power Pip Percentage, Healing In/Out Percentage, Stun Resistance Percentage and the new Armor Piercing Percentage. |
 Hopefully this simplified character stats sheet will help players better understand how their equipment and other enhancements alter their performance in duels.
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Minor updates and fixes include:
- Dec 15th - The jump animation has been reverted to its original state. Players will notice their characters do a lower jump when they press the space bar.
- Maximum gold has been increased to 250 000
- PvP Arenas are now "No Mounts" zones
- Quest Tracker now points to the correct location in Dragonspyre for the "It's an Honor" quest! Hurray!
- Boar Knight has been removed from rewards tables. You'll see this item return soon in promotions, rewards and special offers on the site.
 - Many spells were 'hanging around' in the center of the duel circle after they'd been cast will now leave when they're supposed to. If you see this happen, send a bug report to our support team at support@wizard101.com
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