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August 2011

Welcome to the August 2011 Update Notes Page. What are Update Notes you ask? Every time we update Wizard101, we like to let our players know what changes have been made and what new additions have been given to the game. Update Notes explain those changes and updates.

This month brings new zones and new challenges! Players who are level 25 or higher should speak to Merle Ambrose in his office to prepare themselves for the challenge that awaits in the new city of Wysteria!



Welcome to Wysteria

Wysteria was once a trade post and pleasant enough small town in the Wizard City cluster, not too far away but of little consequence in the overall scheme of things, until a magical incident occurred that caused a crawling vine to grow and completely overrun the town.

Players who are level 25 or higher should speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower. He will offer you the quest "To the Registrar".

nullPigswick Academy; Pigswick Academy is located at the heart of Wysteria and is a rival school to Ravenwood.

Inside the walls of this city a very special Magic tournament is about to take place and in your journey to solve the mystery involving the theft of an important school treasure it will be up to you to defend the honor and good name of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts!

nullPegasus Place: Normally home to a host of pegasus aerie, this street has been overrun by a wave of goblins and hobgoblins, fierce and horrible creatures who escaped to Wysteria by hitching a ride with some unwitting students. They have blocked off the street, run amok and caused considerable damage to buildings, and are storming around, menacing students and residents alike.

nullTanglewood Way: Tanglewood Way is ruled by the forces of nature. The gates are completely entangled with vines and seemingly are impassible, and two guards stand outside it keeping people away. Near the gate entrance is a crack in the wall that looks large enough for a young Wizard to sneak through...

For more information on Wysteria, read this article:

New Houses


New Houses!

Wizard's Watchtower

This whimsical home contains everything a budding young Wizard could want; an observatory, a horde of dragons and a special treasure in the basement!
This house can hold 250 items outside and 250 items inside.
This house can be purchased from the Crown Shop.

Sunken Palace

This house will take your breath away, and not just because you're swimming underwater! Between the sunken ship and the expansive interior, you'll enjoy this underwater house.
nullThis house can hold 250 items outside and 250 items inside.
This house can be purchased from the Crown Shop.

New House Teleporters


Housing Teleporters have Arrived!

Like to garden in your Marleybone house but throw parties in your Sultan's Palace? Now you can quickly hop from one of your houses to another on the same character without unequipping and reequipping the different houses! Just get a Teleporter!
  1. Teleporters can either be purchased in the Crown Shop for Crowns, or players can Craft them.
  2. Teleporters have an entrance and an exit. When you first place a Teleporter through your Decorating Panel, you are marking its exit. Then you will be prompted to place the Teleporter down so it can become the entrance.
  3. You can place the entrance and exit in the same home.
  4. You can also place the exit in one home, and the Teleporter in another home, but that character must own both homes, because to do this, you must place the exit, unequip the current house, equip the other house and recall to it to place the Teleporter.
  5. You cannot place the exit or the Teleporter in someone else's home.
  6. You cannot place the exit or the Teleporter in an area that is not a house or dorm owned by your character.
  7. When you remove the Teleporter in the Shared Bank, it clears the destination.
nullSo let's see what kind of fun you can have with Teleporters. Make mazes and puzzles for your friends! Host parties that span several houses at once! Get creative!

Miscellaneous Updates

Friends Panel Updates
  1. Players will now see a confirmation window appear when they ignore a friend on their friends list.
Combat Updates
  1. School Symbols for creatures of the Spiral will now appear on the 2d Combat Menu. This will help with those really tall ones!
  2. School Symbols for Players will also appear on the 2d Combat Menu, but not in PvP.
  3. Players who are defeated in an area they have purchased with Crowns, but who have not purchased the common area of that world, will be teleported to Wizard City Commons upon defeat or flee.
Quest Updates
  1. The Wizard City Quest called "Triton Avenue" can no longer be declined.
  2. The Wizard City Quest called "Unicorn's Folly" can no longer be declined.
  3. The Wizard City Quest called "Ghost Hunters" can no longer be declined.
  4. The Wizard City Quest called "Fairies Wear Boots" can no longer be declined.
  5. Level 52 and Celestia quest "Door to the Stars" is now required before the player is able to accept "The Special", "Me & My Arrow" and "Time for Tea" from Ogden Peake.
  6. New characters will be required to complete Triton Avenue before they are offered entry into Firecat Alley and Cyclops Lane.
Stat Updates
  1. Pet Damage Talents will now be properly reflected on the Wizard's Character Sheet
  2. The boost to Mana given from Mana Gift Pet Talent will now be accurately reflected on the Wizard Character Sheet
  3. The boost to Pip % given from Pet Pip Talent will now be accurately reflected on the Wizard Character Sheet
Spell Updates
  1. Dark Pact & Empower can no longer be augmented with damage increasing enchantments.
Shopping Updates
  1. Items purchased from the Crown Shop for Gold will now show the correct price when choosing a different color combination.
  2. "Transaction not Successful" message in the Bazaar has been changed to a more accurate "Sorry, this item has already sold." message.
Other Updates
  1. "Dungeon Warnings" can now be enabled or disabled in the Advanced Gameplay Options. You will still be able to disable dungeon warnings at the entrance to dungeons, but now you have the ability to re-enable these warnings. Dungeon Warnings show you approximately how much time it will take to complete a zone.
  2. Players should no longer repeatedly appear to be downloading 'Angrus Hollowsoul" when in the Commons
  3. null
  4. Some words have been removed from the Text Chat Dictionary due to their inappropriate use - remember 'swearing' around the filter is a very fast way to find yourself with only Menu Chat as an option.
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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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