Play Now!

The Slowpoke Sloth

With Never Seen Before Speed!

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Act Now - This Leisurely Mount is Available for a Limited Time Only!

You can find this dawdling, drowsy, disinclined Slowpoke Sloth mount in the Crown Shop for only 1,750 Crowns!

You have to hurry though (unlike this mount at his cautious negative 40% speed!), he will only be available until Sunday, April 7th at 11:59pm US Central Time.

Buy Crowns

What Wizards are Saying about
the Slowpoke Sloth Mount!

"Sometimes a Wizard just needs an open road and the wind in her hair, and I get the feeling the Slowpoke Sloth is not the perfect mount!" - Natalie WildPants


"Everyday the Spiral is getting more crowded and traffic is a nightmare. Texting and driving? Oh yes, believe me - it's happening. That's why I love the Slowpoke Sloth mount. Finally, a mount that's safe for the Spiral!" - Lauren SparkleWeaver


"The Slowpoke Sloth mount makes a statement. Like, 'Hey - I can stop and smell the roses. I can appreciate the finer things in life.' It's perfect for the existential Wizard." - William SilverDreamer


Go Get the Slowpoke Sloth Mount - He's in the Crown Shop Now!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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