May 2011: We are proud to announce that the soundtrack for our new expansion world, Wintertusk, was wholly written and produced by superstar singer/producer Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.
“This was a first for me. I never produced or wrote music for a game or in this case, a whole world before. So I jumped at the chance to work with KingsIsle,” said Nick Jonas. “It was very cool to be part of a project that allowed me to help create the mood for Wintertusk and interact with an audience in an entirely new way.”
Over the last two months, Jonas composed seven pieces of environmental music that serve to define the personality of the icy world of Wintertusk. The project required Jonas to create compelling original work fit for a frozen virtual world, while remaining faithful to the game’s exacting musical standards.

- Visit Nick in Grizzleheim available to players level 5+.
- Watch as he conducts a very magical orchestra!
- Listen to his music in the game!