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From January 19-29th, catch as many fish as you can!


The Winners!

Congrats to the following skilled anglers for winning the 2024 Fishing Competition! If you see your name below reach out to to recieve your prizes!

To verify you're the correct wizard, please provide your username in the email along with your name so what know what prizes to give you.


The Seafarer's Gear Set, Mystic Fishing Bundle, and 30,000 Crowns went to the following lucky Wizards who caught the following...

The most Epic fish: Tristan RainWhisper with 1,119 caught

The most Rare fish: William StormCloud with 906 caught

The widest variety of fish: Tanner Titan with 195 caught

null  And the Mystic Fishing Bundle and up to 10,000 Crowns went to...

The most Dekoi type fish: Terri GreenBlood with 340 caught

The smallest Jellyfish type fish: Steven SunShard at 22.71 inches

The smallest Eel type fish: Rika RoseKnight at 9.92 inches

The largest Codfather: Julia RainbowFriend at 37.27 inches

The largest Todd Pole: Wolf SilverRunner at 42.32 inches

‘Ello there, Wizards! Lucky Hookline here with an amazin’ opportunity an’ a fun event happening right here in Wizard101! We’re havin’ ourselves another fishin’ competition and everyone’s invited!

Here’s what ya need ta’ do. Through January 19-29th, we’re offering big prizes for the best fishers of certain types of fish as noted below. Entries must be received before 11:59pm CST time on the designated date and winners will be announced a few days after the competition ends.

Get your box and tackle ready and claim your fame as the best angler in the Spiral!

  • Only fish that are acquired during the event will count toward the total.
  • This contest is open to all (not just members).
  • Fish are counted per character, not per account. No need to submit anything! We count for you.
  • You may sell your fish or put them in your player housing after you acquire them.
  • If you want (not required), screenshot your caught fish, or you fishing, and share them on Twitter and Facebook #Wizard101 and using hashtag #Wizard101Fishing2024.

What to Catch

A Seafarer's Gear Set and 20,000 Crowns will go to the three Wizard anglers who catch one of the following...

  • The most Epic fish
  • The most Rare fish
  • The widest variety of fish
    (can you catch them all?!)

We’ll also be offering a Seafarer's Gear Set and 10,000 Crowns to those who get one of the following:

  • The most Dekoi type fish
  • The smallest Jellyfish type fish
  • The smallest Eel type fish
  • The largest Codfather
  • The largest Todd Pole

Winners will be notified by email and prizes will be awarded a few days after the event is over. Some of the entrant’s screenshots will also be posted on social media throughout the event.


  • If under 13 years of age, ask a parent or guardian for permission to participate.
  • Fishing elixirs are allowed.
  • Winners are determined directly from our database, though we reserve the right to evaluate results for any concerns that breach the Terms of Use or other player policies.


Q: Can I sell my fish I caught?

A: Yes, we keep track, so you don't have to keep them.

Q: Is there a way to see the progress of other players?

A: Unfortunately it's all internal tracking, we don't have a leaderboard setup :(.

Q: Am I able to win in more than one category?

A: We will be selecting the top winner once in their top ranked category.

Q: What if there are any ties in a category?

A: We will select one random winner from the list of players who tied.

Good luck, anglers!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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