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What is your Wizard dressing up as for Halloween?

Blaze Greenflame's Wizard is going as a Pumpkin!
"i like pumpkins and they are very cool they look pretty cool when you put a candle inside."

Anthony DarkBlade's Wizard is going as a A Death Colossus on a Skeletal Dragon!
"Halloween is a time of death, so I thought it would be cool if I could be a Death Colossus riding a (I have one of this as a mount) Skeletal D. :)"

Christopher Giantslinger's Wizard is going as a kind pumpkin!
"it is really funny and all my friends at a party voted for the scaryest costume and it is so cool like it has these fake teeth and gloves"

Kelly SummerFlower's Wizard is going as a Fire Elf!
"am being a fire elf because i love fire its so fun because fire is the best to me and i love my wizard"

Chelsea DreamWalker's Wizard is going as Pumpkin Jack!
"I love Jack Hallow and i got pumpkin costume today. HAPPY HALLOWEEN KINGSISLE AND SPECIALLY FOR J TODD COLEMAN"

John StarCaster's Wizard is going as Storm!
"I chose this costume because i am a storm school. I love to be a storm wizard with my pet that will be in purple and me to like a storm wizard."

Steven Pixiblood's Wizard is going as a Jack 'O Lantern!
"The reason i choose this costume is because the jack'o lantern is a awesome monster and it scares people and sometimes i like scaring people cause its fun"

Nathan Lifetalon's Wizard is going to be a fire elf!
"i chose this because the fire elf is my secondary school in the magical arts of ravenwood. the second reason because i think its cool. lolz ^.^"

Valdus BoomBreeze's Wizard is going to be a ninja pig!
"i choose ninja pig cause i love ninjas and being stealthy so that's why i chose the ninja pig for my costume "

Wolf's Wizard is going to be a Krokomummy!
"in halloween lots of people like to dress as mumies and a krokomummy is a mummy! A krokomummy also looks like a zombie which lots of people love."

Monica Goldenthorn's Wizard is going to be a life Wizard!
"I choose this costume because I love all magical things! I think I even have a broom to go with it! Next year, I might be a pirate, for Pirate101!"

Cody GhostEye's Wizard is going to be a Marleybonian!
"I simply love Marleybone! I cant resist that hats and cool robes ( excellent for hallowe'en). I like dark, mystery, cats and dogs, so its great for me"

Luke Duskbreath's Wizard is going to be a Kraken!
"I am going to be a Kraken because I'm storm and I could have a little mini-me follow me around (my pet sparky). Also, why not throw a lightning bolt."

Heather Fairywhisper's Wizard is going to be a Pirate!
"I'm gonna be a pirate for pirate101 but not only for that mostly cause it brings back memories cause me and my friends adventured as pirates! "

Gavin Windrunner's Wizard is going to be a Lost Soul!
"I chose this costume because it is possiably the best. Wandering around, sneamking through walls, or even scaring someone. Gavin the phantom is here!!"


Wizard101 Fan Fiction Index

The Wizard101 Fan Fiction Archive is where we showcase the wonderful adventure stories of Wizards like you! Please read our game fan fiction submission guidelines to submit your Wizard story. You must include a Title and Character Name for Author. If you are under 13 years of age, ask your parent or guardian for permission to send us your story.

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