Blaze Greenflame's Wizard is going as a Pumpkin!
"i like pumpkins and they are very cool they look pretty cool when you put a candle inside."
Anthony DarkBlade's Wizard is going as a A Death Colossus on a Skeletal Dragon!
"Halloween is a time of death, so I thought it would be cool if I could be a Death Colossus riding a (I have one of this as a mount) Skeletal D. :)"
Christopher Giantslinger's Wizard is going as a kind pumpkin!
"it is really funny and all my friends at a party voted for the scaryest costume and it is so cool like it has these fake teeth and gloves"
Kelly SummerFlower's Wizard is going as a Fire Elf!
"am being a fire elf because i love fire its so fun because fire is the best to me and i love my wizard"
Chelsea DreamWalker's Wizard is going as Pumpkin Jack!
"I love Jack Hallow and i got pumpkin costume today. HAPPY HALLOWEEN KINGSISLE AND SPECIALLY FOR J TODD COLEMAN"
John StarCaster's Wizard is going as Storm!
"I chose this costume because i am a storm school. I love to be a storm wizard with my pet that will be in purple and me to like a storm wizard."
Steven Pixiblood's Wizard is going as a Jack 'O Lantern!
"The reason i choose this costume is because the jack'o lantern is a awesome monster and it scares people and sometimes i like scaring people cause its fun"
Nathan Lifetalon's Wizard is going to be a fire elf!
"i chose this because the fire elf is my secondary school in the magical arts of ravenwood. the second reason because i think its cool. lolz ^.^"
Valdus BoomBreeze's Wizard is going to be a ninja pig!
"i choose ninja pig cause i love ninjas and being stealthy so that's why i chose the ninja pig for my costume "
Wolf's Wizard is going to be a Krokomummy!
"in halloween lots of people like to dress as mumies and a krokomummy is a mummy! A krokomummy also looks like a zombie which lots of people love."
Monica Goldenthorn's Wizard is going to be a life Wizard!
"I choose this costume because I love all magical things! I think I even have a broom to go with it! Next year, I might be a pirate, for Pirate101!"
Cody GhostEye's Wizard is going to be a Marleybonian!
"I simply love Marleybone! I cant resist that hats and cool robes ( excellent for hallowe'en). I like dark, mystery, cats and dogs, so its great for me"
Luke Duskbreath's Wizard is going to be a Kraken!
"I am going to be a Kraken because I'm storm and I could have a little mini-me follow me around (my pet sparky). Also, why not throw a lightning bolt."
Heather Fairywhisper's Wizard is going to be a Pirate!
"I'm gonna be a pirate for pirate101 but not only for that mostly cause it brings back memories cause me and my friends adventured as pirates! "
Gavin Windrunner's Wizard is going to be a Lost Soul!
"I chose this costume because it is possiably the best. Wandering around, sneamking through walls, or even scaring someone. Gavin the phantom is here!!"