 March 2014
Welcome to the March 2014 Update Notes Page. What are Update Notes you ask? Every time we update Wizard101, we like to let our players know what changes have been made and what new additions have been given to the game. Update Notes explain those changes and updates.
Khrysalis Part 2 is still coming along and is still slated for early 2014. This update is to help prepare for that larger world expansion by introducing Team Up! and Dungeon Recall, as well as helping out young Fire Wizards who are just getting started.
| | | | | | | Team Up!
Our players have been asking for this for a while now and we're excited to announce the Team Up! feature!
A Team Up! Button has been added to the “Press X to Enter” window of most dungeon sigils. The button allows players to find other players that want to play the same dungeon even if they’re in different realms.
When you select the Team Up! option, you will be asked to confirm your action.
You cannot choose or reject the team that you are placed in. If you're not happy with the team you were placed in, simply leave the dungeon and you will leave the Team. If you leave the dungeon you will have to wait five minutes before you can Team Up! again.
- If you press X to close this box, you will be removed from the Team Up! queue
- You will not be put on the same team as someone who you have ignored, or who has ignored you
- Team Up! ignores Groups. Grouped players do not need to use Team Up! as you can just teleport to your Group members and join the dungeon together.
- Team Up! does not use the 10 second sigil countdown, instead you will wait by the dungeon for others to join the team
- When one player is waiting, they will wait until a second player joins
 - When the second player joins, a two minute timer starts. When the timer reaches zero, all players are teleported into the Dungeon
- If a fourth player joins, the timer is ignored and the players are teleported right away
See you there!
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Dungeon Recall

Ever wished you could just recall directly back to the dungeon you just left? Well now you can!
If you are defeated or teleported out of a dungeon that you were in alone, you now have the option to recall directly back to the start of that same dungeon. An icon will appear near your compass, and placing your mouse over that button will show you the Dungeon name, and a countdown timer showing how long you have before the Dungeon closes.
You will only see this icon when you have a currently recall-able dungeon available to you.
If you are defeated or teleported out of a dungeon that you were exploring with other Wizards, you have the option to recall to the dungeon but you will not see a timer. If your friends complete the dungeon without you, you will not be able to recall to the dungeon and will receive the message that the Dungeon has been completed.
If you return to an entry sigil of your currently active Dungeon, you will see the option to Resume your current dungeon. If you choose to Resume your dungeon, you will immediately be teleported and will not have to wait for the Sigil countdown. This will prevent players from resetting your dungeon progress by joining you on the Sigils.
If you choose not to Resume your current dungeon, you will start a new Dungeon and abandon all progress in your previous version. The following message will appear to confirm that you want to abandon your previous dungeon, and start a new one. This message will also appear if you are trying to enter a completely different dungeon.

See? Isn't that easier than running past all those pesky creatures?
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| | | | | Fire - Walk with Me
I'm excited to announce that Fire Wizards are going to have a little more health in the early levels. This only impacts Fire Wizards that are under level 15.
See this chart to the right showing the previous maximum natural health and the newly adjusted maximum natural health.
Remember, maximum health can also be impacted by health bonuses on gear that you have equipped. See your character panel (Press C when you're not in a duel) for more information about the boosts and bonuses from your currently equipped gear.
Level | Original Health | New Health |
1 | 415 | 425 |
2 | 437 | 447 |
3 | 459 | 469 |
4 | 481 | 491 |
5 | 504 | 513 |
6 | 526 | 535 |
7 | 548 | 557 |
8 | 570 | 579 |
9 | 592 | 601 |
10 | 614 | 622 |
11 | 636 | 644 |
12 | 659 | 666 |
13 | 681 | 686 |
14 | 703 | 706 |
15 | 725 | 726 |
16 | 747 | 747 |
As we continue to balance the early levels of being a Fire Wizard, we are adjusting the health of some of the bosses on Firecat Alley, as well as modifying the Fire and Ice Shields cast by creatures in Wizard City. The most noticeable improvement for our young Fire Wizards will be the changes to the initial damage of the Fire Elf Spell.
Current Fire Elf Spell | | New Fire Elf Spell |
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The Yellow Fire Elf, Christmas Elf, and all Treasure Card and Pet variations are unchanged.
 Bonus! The Fire Elf once again has varied spell animations! Some of our veteran players may recognize the Fire Elf's moves from when the spell had more animations, and those cool moves are back! Cast a Fire Elf today!
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Sneak Peek
Khrysalis part 2 is shaping up to be an amazing adventure. We're still continuing to shape and polish this culmination to Morganthe's story, but here's a sneak peek at some Concept art from Crescent Beach.
Please note: Concept art may not accurately reflect the final in-game version of the zone. | | | | |
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