| | | | | Here there be Pirates! News abounds this month throughout the Spiral, including an opportunity that many of you have been waiting for; a chance to face Morganthe in the new world of Avalon! There's news from afar as well, way over in the land of Pirate101! Harold has his usual Book of the Month Club, plus a fun new Haiku challenge for you to enjoy. Read on, these sure are interesting times, young Wizards. | | | | |
| | | | | Introducing the World of Avalon Coming soon is the new world of Avalon. Avalon is the silver city, a medieval fantasy world of knights, goblins, giants, and dragons. Merle Ambrose was born here, and gained a reputation as a fierce Wizard. Merle helped the young warrior-bear Artorius become king of Avalon. However, once King Artorius fell in the final battle slaying his archrival, Malory, Merle decided it was time to leave Avalon – Merle left to found Ravenwood School of Magical Arts and teach magic to any Wizard who wanted to learn it in the Spiral. Avalon is a large world with 15 expansive areas to explore. Young Wizards who are a minimum of level 70 and have completed the quest "Through Glass, Darkly" need to speak to Merle Ambrose who will send you off on your adventures with a quest named "This Little Light of Mine".Watch the slideshow for glimpses of our new world!
Along with this new world comes a new higher level to achieve, new pets, new spells and much, much more! Read the full Update Notes Here
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| | | | |  Announcing Pirate101Sail through the skyways to mysterious new worlds in KingsIsle's upcoming Game: Pirate101. In Pirate101 you will be able to create your Pirate and sail your custom ship on extraordinary adventures, recruit and train tough Companions to help fight battles on both land and ship, collect great treasures as you travel the Spiral to complete your quests! For more information visit https://www.pirate101.com/
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 Welcome to the June installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.
This month we focus on books that are reminiscent of Zafaria! This month's Book of the Month is The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm by Nancy Farmer. This book is set in Ethiopia, an African country, in the future! Ear, Eye, and Arm are detectives in a not-very-successful detective agency. They're hired by General Amadeus Matsika to find his children, who have sneaked out of the house to go on an adventure and are missing. This story alternates between telling about the detectives and telling about the kids, who are having way more adventures than they bargained for! This exciting book also has funny parts, and even though it's set in a made-up future, it has real African history and folklore too.
Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!
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Clean House As part of our ongoing Spring Cleaning, Banks now have enforced quantity limits. Your bank is now limited to 100 items or less. If you currently have more than 100 items in your bank, you will be unable to place more into your bank. You must sell, delete or feed these items to your pets to make room for new items.
If your backpack and bank are full, you will no longer be able to receive regular items as rewards from duels
Quest related rewards, harvested Seeds and Crowns items are exempt from this limitation and you will continue to receive those rewards.
You will receive an alert when your inventory is full and you can no longer receive rewards from duels.
It's very important to only keep the items you use, young Wizards. Digital hoarding can cause your characters to take longer to zone between areas, and can take longer for your house to load. Keep it clean! | | | | |
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Clean Chat
Just a reminder, young Wizards, that all chat in the game is logged and regularly reviewed for infractions not reported through the Report button.
You can help keep the Spiral clean by reporting inappropriate language using the Report Button in your friends panel. You don't have to be friends with someone to report them.
When you report someone, or you are reported, a message is sent directly to Mr. Lincoln that includes the chat logs of everything that was said before and after that report.
Mr. Lincoln then reads the log and assesses the situation. He determines how bad the offense was, looks up prior offenses for the reported individual, and based on that assessment he issues sanctions (such as muting or banning) and sends an email to the offending account explaining the violation and the sanctions.
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| | | | | | | New "My Accounts" SectionWe've made some pretty big changes to the My Accounts section of the Wizard101 website that will allow you to better manage your accounts. To see the new "My Accounts" section of the website, log in on the upper left and click the words "My Accounts". This is where you can set your Parental Controls, change your password, view your Crowns spending history and more!
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