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01 March 2017


March to the Beat of a Different Drummer!

Welcome to March! It’s time to don your greenest garb and play a cheerful tune as we head into Spring time in Wizard101! Along with the arrival of March also come the joys of St. Patrick’s Day! We hope you’ll find time in your busy schedules to strike up the band and pretend you’re one of your favorite Irish artists! (Maybe U2? Maybe the Cranberries? Maybe the Dubliners? There are so many good Irish bands to choose from!)


One thing is for sure, our dear friend, Pat O’ Gold will be returning to the Spiral with her regular offerings of Shamrock Scepters and Gold-Stringed Harps! You’ll find her arriving in The Spiral during the second or third week of March.

February was a fun month in Wizard101, and we hope you were able to get one of the brand new Friendship Oni Pets! We also had a ton of sales and promotions running to keep your pocketbook happy, and we thank you so much for your support. If you missed everything that went on last month, Dworgyn and Falmea talked all about the Wizard101 news in their recent KI Live Livestream, which is now loaded to YouTube for your enjoyment.

As for surprises in March, we’ll be sure to have more sales and promotions . . . and we might even introduce a brand new mount into the Crown Shop! Keep your browsers pointed to our social media sites through the month!


Mini-Developer Interviews


Developer Spotlight: Jeff Toney

Name: Jeff Toney

Favorite thing about Wizard101: The imagination of all the worlds. I still marvel at all the cool and interesting ideas that we put out to people, and I laugh more times than not when we introduce a cool and fun new pet or mount. Really? A couple of bunnies that are dragging a snow sled around? That is awesome!

Favorite thing about working at KingsIsle: The people that work here. Seriously, I have had so much fun working with my team all these years, it’s crazy. We play board games together, we eat cheese together, we have yearlong D&D campaigns together, and that makes for a great, fun place to work and makes it all worthwhile.

What did you want to be when you were small? Sherlock Holmes, of course. I carried around a little magnifying glass and asked my parents if they had anything missing I could find. I then discovered I could draw. That changed things, that is for sure.

What would you sing at Karaoke night? “Suddenly Seymour” from the Little Shop of Horror. Both male and female parts, natch.

What's your favorite holiday? Free RPG Day. It is usually the second weekend of June which is near my birthday anyway, so it is like TWO birthdays! Woot!


Screenshot Favorites


Screenshot of the Month!

We received a ton of great screenshots last month, and we’ll be putting them all up on our Facebook page soon, but Wolf GhostBlade sent us a great shot that we just had to feature.


Not only were Wolf, Keller, and Chase all wearing their One in a Million badges, but they were about to embark on a difficult battle in the dusty expanses of Mirage. Thanks for the great screenshot, Wolf!

As a reminder, please only send us your best three screenshots every month to if you’d like to participate. For more tips, check out this blog post with helpful screen shot hints. Don’t forget to press Control+G before you snap your picture!


Fan Art Spotlight


Fan Art Spotlight

Hear ye’! Hear ye’! We’re looking for new, original fan art. Please send your Wizard101 fan art to! Your art could end up being featured in the newsletter and you could be listed as our artist of the month! This month we have an amazing Valentine’s Day offering titled “Nate and Tara” by Maddie (aka MadelineDeathflower), a very talented artist in the Wizard101 community that has been thrilling us with artwork for years! Enjoy!


From the artist: My name is Maddie. I've been drawing fan art for the Wizard101 community for about five years now. During my time here, I've met so many outstanding friends, helpers, artists, and role models. It's been an honor to show my support for a game and community that's practically raised me. I definitely would not be the person I am today without some of the people I've met playing this game. I dedicated this painting to a great friend and a role model, as I'm sure most long-time Wizard101 players have gotten the opportunity to find one while playing. Thank you KingsIsle for featuring me in this month's newsletter!


What's up in the Community?


Your Guide to Creative Chatting!

We love to see great discussions on the Official Wizard101 Message boards. Every month there are new topics and new thoughts that our dedicated players are sharing. Feel free to join in the discussion! Our message boards feature a fully moderated environment that provides a platform for both young and old alike. Here are a few discussion threads from last month that caught our eye:

Outside of these links, the unaffiliated “Community Newsletter” also had a great selection of links from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”

Legends of the Spiral has revamped their website and is definitely worth a look!

Ali begins her projects with several attempts to empty her backpack.

On MMORPG, Vanessa Mythdust shares ways to make friends while playing and what side quests one must do!

As Spring approaches, make sure to attend the Easter Bunny Run!

In spirit of the Friendship Festival, check out the amazing spell creations made for Frostcaller’s contest!

Duelist101 discusses the maximum amount of energy a wizard can get.

Vanessa Mythdust shares the Untold Stories of Dragonspyre and Grizzleheim.

Many great friendship cards were made for Paige Moonshade’s contest and are worth a look!

Join the discussion in the curiosity of all the mysterious doors that can be found throughout the Spiral.

Contribute what you think you could buy with one billion crowns!

Duelist101 looks over the various changes made to the Water Elemental minion.

Take a look at this fan-made, 3D printed Wizard101 deck!

Don’t miss out on KingsIsle’s interview with Mike Sears and more in the latest episode of KI Live.

Skelemystyk discusses his five favorite mounts in the Spiral.

Blaze Lifehammer takes a look at the updated Water Elemental minion.

Where did Mellori go after Mirage? Zenmaster Blue shares his theories.

Skelemystyk talks about the best new places to farm jewels.

Blaze suggests five updates to Wizard101 he’d like to see.

Check out this Polaris Winter Combat Remix by GrowlingPanda.




Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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