| | | | | Moo-ving on Up

Hello everyone! As most of you know, I'm Moolinda Wu, and I'm the Professor of Life Magic at Ravenwood School of Magical Arts. Each spring, we are fortunate to have two visitors join us in the Spiral. The first visitor who will be arriving any day now is Pat O'Gold. She brings with her a very special pet for the season and many, many wands for you to buy. Watch for her to arrive in the Wizard City Shopping District near the fountain very soon. Remember though, she only takes Crowns, but her items can also be found in the pockets of bosses throughout the Spiral. Now on to this month's Newsletter! The residents of Celestia have opened up their shops to allow players to obtain Castles & Lands direct from that mysterious world! One house can be purchased, but the other must be meticulously Crafted! Harold, of course, has his Book of the Month Club entry. It's important that young Wizards read about their own world, as well as other worlds. There are lots of other details I won't go into here, so read on and see you in the Spiral!
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| | | | |  This is the March 2011 installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.
This month we begin looking at books that remind us of the world of Celestia. A world of underwater domes, exotic islands, a strange new culture called the Crustacean Empire, and a new evil queen; Morganthe.
The Mystery of Atlantis by Kathryn Walker is part of a series called Unsolved! Some people think that there was a civilization on Earth long ago called Atlantis that sank under the sea the way Celestia did. The Mystery of Atlantis explains some of the theories people have about who the people of Atlantis were and where Atlantis might be now. If you like this book, you might like the other books in the Unsolved! series.
Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards! | | | | |
| | | | | Direct from Celestia - Two new Castles!We know you've been wondering when these Castles & Lands would arrive and the industrious residents of Celestia have opened up shop. Here's a peek at the two new houses.
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| | | | |  Be a Member of Wizard101Current active subscribers who have paid with a credit card are now part of our Wizard101 Membership Program! As part of our Wizard101 Membership Program, players who have made a subscription purchase with a valid credit card in the last 30 days, or have an active recurring subscription will have these added features:
- Energy will refill much faster.
- Your backpack will grow to 120 slots.
- Your Crafting & Hatching Timers will now reset twice as fast.
- Your friends list will expand to 120 people.
This does not apply to players who use their credit card to purchase Crowns.
This does not apply to players who use Gift Certificates or Gift Cards to make their purchases in Wizard101.
You will have these benefits as long as you have an active renewing membership. These benefits expire when your membership expires.
Please note, when your membership expires (you are no longer an active subscriber) your backpack will return to 100 slots and you will not be able to put more items in your backpack until you empty out the overflow. Your friends list will also return to 100 maximum, and you will not be able to add new friends until you remove the overflow.
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| | | | | Attention all East Coast Wizards!
In March, KingsIsle Entertainment is teaming up with Beckett’s Massive Online Gamer Magazine at PAX East, a huge three-day festival for tabletop, videogame and PC gamers held annually in Boston. If you are already planning to attend, or if you will be in the area and can make it to the show, we’d love to see you and hear about your experiences with Wizard101! We have lots of fun things planned, including:
- A “Biggest Wizard101 Fan” contest with AMAZING prizes (more details coming soon).
- The chance to be the first Wizards to receive a new Wizard101 mount, the Moonlight Pony, by signing up for a Beckett subscription at the event. We’ll let you know about some other ways to get the mount as the show approaches!
- Lots of fun prizes and surprises!
This year PAX East will be held from March 11 through 13 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. For more information, directions and tickets, visit www.paxsite.com and see you there!
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| | | | |  Chat Update Between KingsIsle’s commitment to maintaining a family friendly game and the increasing amount of players using the caps to talk around chat filters, it was deemed to be an appropriate action to remove the capitalization ability in the filtered chat.
As long as you’re chatting appropriately and within the filters, there should be no issue with communications. | | | | |
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More Safety Advice from a MonsterDitto the Game Monster has a series of articles about keeping safe online. Get started reading at MMOCrunch! If you like monsters, keep an eye on Ditto's blog about a monster's life in Wizard101 here | | | | |
| | | | | Biggest Fan Contest!
This month we are teaming up with Beckett Massive Online Gamer Magazine at PAX East. If you will be in the area and can make it to the show, we’d love to see you there! We have lots of fun things planned, including the Beckett Media “Biggest Wizard101 Fan” contest. You can see us in person, create a Share a video with us on YouTube, or submit your digital photograph or original work of art and up to 250 word description that explains why you are the Biggest Wizard101 fan. Click here to learn how to enter!
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| | | | | Do you need to Contact Us?If you have encountered a problem and need to contact us about your Wizard account or your Wizard, you can email us directly at support@wizard101.com Just provide the following information (very important!)
- Account Name:
- Account Email Address*:
- Wizard(s) Name:
- Problem you are encountering:
*it's always best to email us FROM that address, but if you cannot, make sure you update your email address to one you can check, otherwise you cannot receive communications from us about your account
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