Hi students and graduates of Ravenwood! Not much is known about the new Arcanum Scholars, and we know you’re always on the quest for knowledge . . . so we sent each new scholar on a quest to fill out a simple questionnaire! Their answers are great, and we’ll be sharing with you what they shared with us over the next few months. First up is Zander!
Interdimensional meditation
Naming shades of green
Favorite Spell:
Wings of Fate
Favorite Food:
My corporeal existence began in the savagely beautiful land of Wallaru. From the beginning, I had an insatiable hunger for knowledge of all aspects of Life (the Magic and the act of not being dead). After spending what most would describe as several years in study under the tutelage of Wallaruvian Shaman, the branches of my thoughts started to outgrow the confines of Wallaru. I spent the next few seasons bouncing around all over the spiral, soaking up what rays of knowledge I could from each and every professor, teacher, and thinker I had the privilege of orbiting. Eventually, as one does, I found my way to the Arcanum, where I have been lucky enough to put down roots and grow into the Life Scholar that I am today.
Favorite quote?
The meaning of Life is to live like you mean it.
My friends describe me as . . . ?
That’s a hard question. Because if you ask them, they’ll probably say something different than if I ask them. And if they asked each other, they might all say things that come together to form a whole new thing. But If I have to put down an answer, I’d say my friends probably describe me as... “Zander”. And, my friends, I think that pretty much says it all, don’t you?
How I feel about Magic?
Magic is both incredible and mundane. For, once one has become versed in Magic, seeing and feeling things that others, who are not enlightened to it, simply cannot. Does that somehow make the “ordinary” things in life less wondrous? Is a flower not magical because it cannot cast a Satyr spell?