June was so magical! Several new items made their way into the game, including the magical and fantastical Fantastic Fairytale Bundle. June also saw the New Fangle Mount stampeding through the sidewalks... be careful not to trample over your fellow Wizards! Not to fish for compliments, but we personally think that our Summer Fishing Tournament was a blast as well.
In the Death Deckathalon, Deckathletes successfully achieved the last Milestone of the global progress bar. Congrats to all our Deckathletes! How far up the tower did you get?
Question for our newsletter readers - is there a newsletter section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Wizard101 and we’ll select the top idea to win 10,000 Crowns!
Keep an eye on our social media throughout the month for announcements. A new Test Realm with more Deckathalon events is on the horizon! Follow @Wizard101 and Facebook, as well as the announcements section in the forums for the latest updates.
What else happened last month? Here’s a quick lookback on the June fun (we didn’t list certain other offers and similar announcements):
JUN 3:Pet-a-Palooza returned and brought the new Golden Sun Pet!
JUN 3: The Dance Floor Housing Item boogied into the Crown Shop!
As always, keep updated daily on the latest news for next month on Twitter and Facebook!
KI Live with Sparck & Professor Falmea
This past month’s KI Live was full of summer fun, including our usual tips and questions from the Wizard101 and Pirate101 community! We discussed the next Deckathalon event that will launch later this month and showed off a never-before-seen Deckathalon tower! That’s really Sparck’s hair, really!
Earlier in the month Sparck dashed and battled his way through the rooftops of Marleybone. For his next Community Livestream, Sparck will be questing on his own to get to MooShu. He can’t wait to quest with you and save the Emperor!
A tip from this month’s KI Live comes from community member KestrelShadowFriend:
“When decorating really large estates or castles in order to keep items and space organized, create a "staging area" in a big, open area near where you are decorating. This way you can see all your furniture all grouped together by categories in one place.” - KestrelShadowFriend
What an impressive fishing tournament! We saw anglers across the Spiral collecting fish of all shapes, sizes, and varieties! Instead of a single day, we spread out the fishing tournament over two weekends so that even more angling aces could join in on the fishing fun. Two weekends meant twice the opportunities to catch rare fish!
Over a dozen winners took home Crowns and other great prizes in a variety of categories. For clarity from the original announcement, there were TWO winners for each category (Week 1’s and Week 2’s).
Drumroll please! Here are the winners of our June Summer Fishing Tournament!
The Mystic Fishing Bundle and 30,000 Crowns went to the following lucky Wizards each weekend who caught the following...
The most Epic fish
Week 1: Julia SkyVault w/110 by a margin of over 90 fish!
Week 2: Brand Flame w/9
The most Rare fish
Week 1: Julia RainbowShade w/416
Week 2: Sestiva DeathBringer w/145
The widest variety of fish (can you catch them all?!)
Week 1: Valkoor ShadowCaster and Blaze DarkBringer w/178
Week 2: Iridian StormBlade w/90
There was also the Mystic Fishing Bundle and 5,000 Crowns to those who angled up...
The most Dekoi type fish
Week 1: Iridian WillowGlen w/138
Week 2: Michael MythBlade w/118
The smallest Jellyfish type fish
Week 1: Katherine w/11.746002 inches
Week 2: Richard Head w/11.60249 inches
The smallest Eel type fish
Week 1: Victoria DreamDreamer w/11.769166 inches
Week 2: Andrew DawnCrafter w/11.97462 inches
The largest Codfather
Week 1: Brianna WinterPetal w/37.243778 inches
Week 2: Calamity HexCloud w/36.91005 inches
The largest Todd Pole
Week 1: Noah EarthGarden w/42.420807 inches
Week 2: Alex Rider w/42.00359 inches
Congrats to all anglers! Thanks for participating in this contest. It was a blast to setup!
Are you one of the anglers listed as a winner? Please contact us to receive your prize!
We Attended Greater Austin Comic Con
We attended the Greater Austin Comic Con event, a fun event for local comic fans. While we didn’t have a booth, several members of the KingsIsle team roamed the show floor and found lots of amazing trinkets and more. Here are just a few of our discoveries:
The event was so much fun, and we plan to return in 2020. Are you going to be in the Austin area and attending one of the many cool conventions put on each year? Let us know and we’ll swing on by to say hello and to check out the show! We’re also planning on attending PAX South, so stay tuned for more news on that.
Zone of the Month: Regent's Square in Marleybone
The traditional and ever popular Zone of the Month continues with a discounted offer! This month we’re featuring the newly polished Regent's Square in Marleybone. Access to this area (along with the Royal Museum and Digmoore Station) usually requires 1,200 Crowns, but because this is our zone of the month, we’ve discounted this area to 960 Crowns through July 16th!
Sam Johnson, KingsIsle’s Lead Creative Designer, has been quite pleased with the community’s reactions to his last few Zone of the Months and would like to know what you think of this latest one. Post a comment on social media, in the official forums, or contact us directly and let him know where you would like the story to be taken next!
Name: Regent's Square
Location: Regent’s Square is the stately heart of Marleybone.
As most Marleybonians will tell you, Regent’s Square is one of most well-designed city centers in all the Spiral. A paragon of modern urban planning, Regent’s Square is the aesthetically pleasing nerve center of the bustling metropolis, with connections to all the important cultural locations Marleybone has to offer.
If you’re searching for a certain Stray Cat, he likes to strut around the intersection of Bonesbury Boulevard and Leashless Lane.
Who’s That Boss?
As Regent’s Square is a hub zone, there isn’t a Boss in the zone proper; however, there are several Bosses that are just a zone away, perhaps none as infamous than the dastardly Dr. Jackal who’s evil plan can be thwarted in the Barkingham Palace Gauntlet.
A Peek Behind the Dev Process:
In a somewhat rare move for us here at KingsIsle, the names of the businesses in Regent’s Square are derived from employees’ names. One very special name, Mr. Burt’s Bones & Biscuits, is an homage to an Artist’s father who had passed away shortly before this zone was created.
Which area in Wizard101 should we spotlight for next month? Let us know by tweeting your suggestion @Wizard101 or by emailing community@Wizard101.com!
Fan Screenshot of the Month
This screenshot is from Blaze DreamBlade. He captured this image of his awesome Soaring Eagle Mount decked out in Red, White, and Blue while standing in front of the Polaris flag. Viva la Penguinonia!
Fan Art Spotlight
For this month’s fan art spotlight, we are showcasing a neat drawing from Gabrielle Drake of their Level 130 Storm Wizard:
We would love to see more screenshots and art from the community for next month’s newsletter. Do you have something amazing to share? Send it to us in an email to community@Wizard101.com! We’re always interested in showing off more fan art, gameplay guides, and other content.
Thanks, Wizards!
Community News
Screenshot taken by: Sophia GoldHeart
Get ready for Genevieve Moongarden's Wiz-Quiz Event! Coming up on Saturday, July 13th, 2019 from 11am-4pm PST. There will be quiz games and other exciting activities, including prizes like the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle! All the fun details at: Genevieve's Website.
The unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Wizard101 links this month. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”.