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01 January 2010 - Volume XVII


Zeke Downsizing

  Wizard101 ExplorerGreetings from the Spiral, young Wizards!

Old Zeke reporting to you this month, with some information and news from the worlds of the Spiral. Harold Argleston has a very special column in the Newsletter now. It seems he's started a Book of the Month club!

As many of you know, I've hung up my shopkeeper's hat, and Eloise and I have settled down into a nice life here in the Spiral. The shopkeepers in the Shopping Districts now carry the items I used to sell, including clothing, pets and other fun things. I still keep a small inventory of Mounts for you to rent for a day, just to check them out, and of course Eloise is keeping busy stitching items together for young Wizards who wish to change their outfits.

Read more about what's happening throughout the Spiral and say hi next time you see me!

Harold Argleston's Book of the Month Club

Wizard101 Librarian Harold Argleston  Hello young Wizards! I've met most of you, so let me introduce myself to everyone, I'm Harold Argleston. I'm the Wizard City Librarian, and I've started a column in the Ravenwood Bulletin to introduce our young Wizards to books that can be found in their local libraries.

Each month I will introduce a new book to you that is age appropriate to the majority of our readers. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth that I correspond with on occasion, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.

Our very first Book of the Month is Redwall by Brian Jacques. The first in a long and awesome series by British author Jacques, Redwall tells the story of a group of peaceful animals (badgers, squirrels, mice, and others) who must defend their way of life against an evil rat who wants to take over their abbey. The young mouse Matthias becomes the unlikely hero when he finds the lost sword of the legendary Martin the Warrior. Jacques, who grew up on stories of King Arthur and his knights, knows exactly what adventure-loving kids like, but he also fills his story with a powerful sense of the value of virtues like kindness and generosity and their ultimate ability to triumph over evil. There are many sequels, so if you enjoy this book, you'll be able to continue the story!

Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!


null  Krokotopia is a world with secrets. Did you know there is a secret shop in this land? It's one the locals won't tell you about but if you look for the signs in the Shopping District of the Oasis, you can teleport up to a floating island containing vendors with special pets, spells and other items!


  nullThere are secrets in MooShu as well, just waiting for a young Wizard to discover them. In the Tree of Life, there waits a special opponent named Youkai. He is a rank 10 boss, and he's not afraid to cast the big spells, but if you are able to defeat him, you will walk away with a new Badge to wear proudly.

Wizard City

  nullFelix Navidad and the decorations have left Wizard City for another year. It's always nice to have visitors, but even the best guest can overstay their welcome.

Our next guest to the Spiral is Valentina Heartsong, look for her closer to the end of January. She brings with her sweet things for our sweethearts.


  null Crafting in Dragonspyre can be a crafty business! Each school is given a specific item to craft, and those recipes can be very difficult to find.

Retrace your steps, young Wizard, and explore all the worlds for the Crafting shopkeeper that has the recipe for your school of focus' final recipe.


null  Marleybone may be a world of dogs, cats, and proper manners, but it is also one of change.

Change has come to the creatures of Marleybone. They've caught on that young Wizards have been avoiding their grasp by staying close to the center of the rooftops and have moved their patrols closer to the center in hopes of trapping more Wizards. And while we all know that rooftops don't have sidewalks, this does open up the zones near the edges of the buildings so that young Wizards can continue to rely on their learned habit of staying outside of the danger zones in Wizard101.

Some older Wizards will have to unlearn their previous navigation tactics in Marleybone, but travel along the rooftops should be less treacherous and more intuitive for young Wizards just entering this world of the Spiral.



  nullGrizzleheim may be experienced at different levels of game play and does not progress the same way as other worlds on the Spiral. Instead, Grizzleheim is a parallel world and a place where players return at various levels of experience.

You will first need to speak to Baldur Goldpaws in Olde Town. While you are on Baldur Goldpaw's assignment, you can use the boat behind him to travel to Grizzleheim.

Once you have completed Baldur Goldpaw's assignment, and you are over level 20, speak to Merle Ambrose. If you are under level 20, you will need to wait until you have reached that level before you can enter Grizzleheim again.

When you are Level 25 you will be able to begin the quest Lending a Paw.

When you are Level 30 you will be able to begin the quest Full Grizzle Jacket.

When you are Level 40 you will be able to begin the quest The King and I.
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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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