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01 December 2010 - Volume XXVIII


Ten Meeellion

Wizard101 Headmaster Merle Ambrose
Welcome to the December 2010 Ravenwood Bulletin Newsletter!

It's sure been a busy year for us here at Ravenwood; our pets have evolved, we grew over 10 million Wizards strong, we celebrated our second year of school, Selena Gomez visited the Spiral, new Schools of Magic were discovered, Wizards grew even stronger with new levels up to 60, and of course the whole new world of Celestia!

There's more to come before we round the year out, so keep reading and dig in!


Gardening comes to the Spiral

Wizard101 Life Professor Moolinda Woo Hello everyone! Professor Moolinda Wu here and I'm excited to tell you all about a new feature coming soon to the Spiral: Gardening! To get started on your path to a greener thumb, when this update is in the Live Game, come visit me in my classroom in Ravenwood if you are level 12 or higher.

Students at Ravenwood can plant and grow amazing plants in their Dorms and Castles! Wizards of all schools can garden, so my hope is that every student will learn the joy of shepherding new life!

A plant's journey of life begins as a seed. There are many types of seeds, each with a different destiny. With enough energy, you can prepare soil of your choice in your Castle (if you have one) or a planter in your dorm. Then you can place the seed into the readied soil. After a time, it will begin to grow. You can shepherd its growth through spells and other means of caring for it, creating an environment for it to thrive.

To learn more about Gardening, see our Update Notes

Harold Argleston's Book of the Month Club

Harold Argleston, Librarian
This is the December 2010 installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.

Here there be more dragons! This month we continue looking in to books that remind us of the world of Dragonspyre.

Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George – The first in a series, Dragon Slippers introduces Creel, a feisty girl with a talent for sewing, and a world in which dragons are the good guys and try their best to stay out of the way of troublesome humans. George’s characters are terrifically drawn, especially the dragons, and the contrast between the kindly dragons and the not-so-kindly humans Creel encounters in her quest to make her living will impress kids who can understand irony.

Look for this book in your school or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!

Fan Artwork

Wizard101 Fan Art DoodleDo you like to draw!? We have an entire section of our website dedicated to the drawings that our players create and send to us! There is some truly amazing artwork, and we're so thrilled at the creativity our fans have shown!

Click here to have a look through all the wonderful artwork, and then follow the directions to send us your own!

Rare Ice Elf Pet!

Rare Ice Elf Pet!
This Ice Elf Pet is available with the redemption of a Gift Certificate purchased on the Wizard101 website.

The lucky recipient of your Gift Certificate will receive a Winterborn Egg. Once that egg has hatched, it will become the rare Ice Elf!

Visit our Gift page for more information!

Message from Mr. Lincoln

Wizard101 Registrar Mr LincolnAccount Security Reminder from Mr. Lincoln
Seems that time again when I have to remind young Wizards to not give their passwords to anyone! Ever! Even to me. KingsIsle Employees will -never- ask for your password under any circumstances.

These are a few simple steps to keep your Wizard101 account safe from the evil that people do.
  1. Keep your password secret. This may seem like the most basic common sense step, however it is the one most ignored. Your password is your Wizard's. All the hard work that you put in to the characters that you play is gone when you give out your password.
  2. Keep your information up to date. If you registered for Wizard101 with a false or incorrect email, you cannot receive emails from us regarding your account security! Make sure the email address associated with your Wizard101 account is valid, and that you can receive email to that account.
  3. Don't fall for it. Websites and people that ask for your password with the promise of Crowns or leveling are just going to clean your account out. Again, your password is your Wizards. When you give your password away, you give your Wizards away too.
  4. Report suspected malicious activity. If you encounter a person or a website that asks for your password for any reason whatsoever, report it immediately. If this happens in game, use the REPORT button. If this happens outside of game, send an email to immediately.
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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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