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01 August 2011 - Volume XXXVI


Hot in the City

Wizard101 Fire Professor August is here, and despite Lydia's best efforts to keep it cool, the heat is certainly winning that duel here at KingsIsle's offices. Thankfully, it's always temperate in the Spiral!

We've got some really exciting news coming up for you this month young Wizards, but I can't say too much yet or it'll spoil the surprise. Just know that there will be some new challenges for Wizards who are level 25 and up, and a brand new challenge for Wizards who thought Waterworks was difficult! Watch for more information coming very, very soon!

As for the rest of this month's newsletter, we have our wonderful Book of the Month Club, a happy birthday shout-out to Wizard101 Central, a change to KIFreeGames rewards and a very important message from Mr. Lincoln about protecting your Wizards. Read on!

Harold Argleston's Book of the Month Club

  Harold Argleston, Librarian
This is the August installment of my Book of the Month Club. These books have been suggested by a fellow Librarian from Earth, her name is Kit Ward-Crixell and she is a librarian in New Braunfels, Texas, USA.

This month we delve a little more into Mythology with Encyclopedia Mythologica: Gods and Heroes by Matthew Reinhart and Robert Sabuda.

This is a gorgeous book about mythology from all over the world, including the Norse gods and goddesses. Not only will you learn great facts (did you know that when an Egyptian family’s cat died, everyone would shave off their eyebrows to show how sorry they were?) but you will see AMAZING pop-ups, like a big Greek ship and a full-page picture of the Norse god Thor.

This book won a 2011 Children’s Choice Book Award and I can't wait for you to read it! Look for this book in your school library or local library and enjoy reading, young Wizards!

Wizard101 Central News

  Wizard101 Fansite
Happy 3rd Birthday Wizard101 Central!
Wizard101 Central, our top Wizard101 fan site, is turning 3!

To celebrate they will be holding an epic amount of contests during the entire month of August! Don't miss your chance to win some great prizes from a great fan site!

Learn more at !

New Rewards!

New Rewards for KIFreeGames & WizardBlox
We've listened to your feedback on the rewards at KIFreeGames and have removed transformations and mount rentals from the list of items you can win. We have added Seeds, better Snacks, different Pets, Permanent Mounts, new Housing Items, Booster Packs, better Elixirs and more items - but the best part is, you have a very rare chance at actually earning Crowns! That's right young Wizards, Crowns.

Head on over to now or download our iPhone app called WizardBlox and start winning those codes today!

Massive Online Gamer

Wizard101 in Magazines
If you can't get enough of Wizard101, read more about Wizard101 in magazines! Almost every month we have an article and a code for an item in Beckett Magazines such as Fun Online Games and Massive Online Gamer!

The latest Fun Online Games magazine talks about how Wizard101 is created, from concept to testing, and the next Massive Online Gamer magazine has news about an upcoming surprise!

Click here to learn more about Wizard101 in magazines and check your local newsstands and book stores for these magazines.

Message from Mr. Lincoln

Wizard101 Registrar Mr LincolnAccount Security Reminder from Mr. Lincoln
Seems that time again when I have to remind young Wizards to not give their passwords to anyone! Ever! Even to me. KingsIsle Employees will -never- ask for your password under any circumstances.

These are a few simple steps to keep your Wizard101 account safe from the evil that people do.
  1. Keep your password secret. This may seem like the most basic common sense step, however it is the one most ignored. Your password is your Wizard's. All the hard work that you put in to the characters that you play is gone when you give out your password.
  2. Keep your information up to date. If you registered for Wizard101 with a false or incorrect email, you cannot receive emails from us regarding your account security! Make sure the email address associated with your Wizard101 account is valid, and that you can receive email to that account.
  3. Don't fall for it. Websites and people that ask for your password with the promise of Crowns or leveling are just going to clean your account out. Again, your password is your Wizards. When you give your password away, you give your Wizards away too.
  4. Report suspected malicious activity. If you encounter a person or a website that asks for your password for any reason whatsoever, report it immediately. If this happens in game, use the REPORT button. If this happens outside of game, send an email to immediately.

Want to read the comic from the beginning? Visit the Abracadoodle Archives!

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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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