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Ravenwood News

Wizard101 Dragonspyre NPC Doodle  Welcome to the Ravenwood News!

Discover here the latest news from Wizard City and from around the Spiral! Read all about new game updates, events and contests, maintenance notices @KI_Alerts, and news from our Official Fansites. Check back often!

Want even more news? Read announcements, questions, and comments on our Discord Server, as well as Twitter and Facebook.

September Party News

All the news about the Party events can be found in one place,
on our Wizard101 Birthday Party Page


Ravenwood News

null  The Party Continues!
Young Wizards of the Spiral, get your party hats before the end of the month! After September 30th, new party hats will no longer be available, so follow the instructions on the Party Page to get yours.

Facebook  New Facebook Halloween Poetry Contest
We will be giving out 15 prizes a day on Facebook through Friday of this week! In order to have a chance to win, you must write a Halloween themed poem for Wizard101 and write in on the Wizard101 Facebook Events page. Prizes include Black cat pet, Halloween outfit, and the Ninja Pig outfit.

September 22 2009

Wizard101 Abracadoodle  New Abracadoodle!
See the latest in the story of a young Wizard and his ongoing efforts to succeed at Ravenwood. To see the comic and browse the archives in case you missed any, visit our Abracadoodle Page.

September 21 2009

Wizard101 Chat Doodle  Game Developer Magazine Post-Mortem
KingsIsle and Wizard101 are the featured postmortem in the September 2009 Game Developer Magazine. Below is a link to download the entire article in PDF format:
Post-Mortem article on Wizard101 (PDF Download)

Game Developer magazine is a monthly publication that delivers technical, how-to articles to professionals in the gaming industry.

September 18 2009

Wizard101 FansiteTop 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101 Too Much
Diary of a Wizard has a wonderful post from Postcards from the Spiral about the Top 10 Ways You Know You’ve Been Playing Wizard101 Too Much

Here's three - to read the rest, follow the link below.

10. You’ve convinced your child/parent/significant other to create their own account so that you can battle together.

9. You’ve purchased a new computer so that people in your house can play together or play online at the same time.

8. You’ve set up a wireless network, after procrastinating for at least five years, so that people in your house can play at the same time.

Diary of a Wizard

The only one I would add would be you see a stick on the ground and think -ooh! Mistwood!

Thank you both for the article and we encourage our players to list their own on this message board post!
Facebook  Upcoming Lottery Announcement
As we continue celebrating our one year anniversary throughout the month of September, we will be holding a Facebook lottery!

We are running lotteries for Facebook fans of Wizard101 from Sept. 21 until 12 noon CT, Friday, Sept. 25. Each day we will announce one lucky winner!

If you don't win one day, you could win the next, so the sooner you become a Facebok fan, the sooner you'll be entered into lotteries for great prizes! It's easy to enter, just click on "Become a Fan" at the top of the Wizard101 Facebook page, if you are not a fan already. If you're under the age of 13, have your family members sign up to be fans.

Great prizes given away include:
Monday- Turkey Hat
Tuesday- Three Piece Ninja Pig outfit
Wednesday- Three Piece Halloween outfit with Hallowen staff
Thursday- Black Cat pet w/ Black Cat spell card
Friday- 10,000 Crowns

Once you are a Facebook fan, you will be eligible for each lottery drawing. Players who win Mon-Thurs are not eligible to win another Mon-Thurs lottery, but are still eligible to win the Friday lottery.

Find out more at

September 17 2009

Wizard101 While Horse  Announcing Mounts for you to Ride!
The next major new content being developed for Wizard101 is a series of Wizard Mounts that provide a fun, fast, and stylish way of getting around. Many different types of Wizard Mounts will be available with more to come in the future. Initially, four will be introduced: Brooms, Horses, Cats, and Dragons!

Wizard Mounts may be rented for a day or a week. They may also be purchased permanently. The one and seven day rental gives Wizards a chance to try out the mount and decide which one they want to own permanently. One day rentals add a 20% movement speed increase. Seven day rentals and permanent purchases add a 40% movement speed increase.

One day rentals may be purchased with in-game gold. Seven day rentals and permanent Wizard Mounts may be purchased with in-game gold or Crowns. All mounts may be purchased at the Crown shop (player user interface that will be available in October) or Zeke.

Wizard Mounts are expected to launch in October 2009.

Wizard Mounts Fast Facts:
• Four types at release: Brooms, Horses, Cats, and Dragons!
• Available in a variety of appearances that favor male and female styles.
• May be rented for 1-day or 7-days, or purchased permanently.
• 1-day rentals give 20% movement speed increase; 7-day and permanent purchases give 40% movement speed increase.
• May be purchased for in-game gold and Crowns from the new, upcoming Crown shop or Zeke.
• Available in October.

September 16 2009

Wizard101 Fansite Wizard101 Central Facebook Challenge Ends

We're so proud of how hard everyone worked on the Wizard101 Central Facebook challenge! We're sorry that the top level goals of the Krok Hammock and the Danger Hound were not reached, but we're glad that we reached the first goal of 25 000 Facebook fans. Everyone who participated will receive the reward for the first goal: 2500 gold!

As we mentioned, over the next two weeks, the prize will be distributed through Wizard101 Central, to the email address that you used when you registered for the site. You will be given a unique code that belongs only to you. To redeem that code, log in to the website and click Redeem Card or Code. Follow the instructions for a Promotional Code and the next time you log in to the game, your gold will be waiting for you.

Spend it wisely, young Wizards, and congratulations on rising to the challenge.

~Professor Greyrose
Wizard101 Abracadoodle  New Abracadoodle!
See the latest in the story of a young Wizard and his ongoing efforts to succeed at Ravenwood. To see the comic and browse the archives in case you missed any, visit our Abracadoodle Page.

null  Have you seen it?
Have you seen the new fountain in the Ravenwood Commons? Seems Merle has been redecorating with more than just balloons and streamers. He's removed the old fountain and placed a brand new one in the middle of the Commons pond to celebrate five million young Wizards! Have a look next time you're in Wizard City.

September 15 2009

Wonders of Wizard101 Contest Winners Announced!
Thanks for celebrating a year of Wizard101 with us! We asked you to send us the most amazing sights of Wizard101, and after seeing all the marvels you all have found, it was a difficult decision. We've put together our tour guide of the must-see spots of the Spiral below--some beautiful, some astonishing, and some we didn't even know were there. We hope that wherever you may be in your travels of the Spiral, you find something new here.

Winners will receive a Facebook or email message from us.

Congratulations to our 3 first prize winners, who will receive a signed poster and 10,000 Crowns:
1) Jeremy Cummings
2) Lenora Dragonwraith
3) Julia Shadowflame

Congratulations to our 12 2nd place winners, who will receive 5,000 Crowns:
1) Jennifer Killian
2) Tim Santo Jr.
3) Alisha Callahan
4) Fred LegendHunter
5) Linda Berkowitz
6) Kaze Deshi
7) Timothy Lopez
8) Nexius Sinue
9) Marina Lemberg
10) Chris Collins
11) Connie Graves
12) Darren Richardson

Once again, thank you for all the beautiful screenshots that were submitted! You can see the winning pictures below.

Wizard101 Retail Gift Cards  October Gift Card Pets
Since our players just can't wait to find out what pets will be available on the Gift Cards next month, we've listed both September and October Gift Card pets on our Gift Cards Page. Check it out at

September 10 2009

null  Let the Party Begin!
Come join the party! We've decorated the Commons, Shopping District and Ravenwood with streamers and balloons to make the world more festive! And what's a party without a party hat! Each player will receive a party hat!

To receive your hat, follow these steps:

1. Go to the website
2. Log in to the website with your Wizard101 login and password.
3. Click the words "Redeem Card or Code" under your name.

4. Click "Wizard101 Promotional Codes"


5. Enter the code "party" and click Continue - follow the instructions on those pages to receive your hat!


The next time you log in to Wizard101, your hat will be waiting for you.

Thanks for celebrating with us and see you at the party!

September 08 2009

Wizard101 FansiteContest Update
Congratulations on hitting the 25,000 mark! As a reward for all your hard work we are making it even easier to get these prizes! The Krok Hammock will now be rewarded at 35,000 fans, and the Danger Hound at 50,000 fans. Keep inviting your friends to become fans! Learn more at

Wizard101 Chat DoodlePodcast!
J. Todd Coleman, Creative Director of Wizard101, was featured in “Mornings with Lorrie & Larry” on FamilyNet TV. He talked about online games, kid safety and of course, Wizard101! You can hear the podcast from the morning show here: Mornings with Lorrie & Larry


September 02 2009

Celebrate a year of Wizard101 with us!
Have you explored the nooks and crannies of the Spiral? What strange, beautiful, or remarkable vistas have you discovered? Take screenshots of these areas and show us the most amazing sights you’ve seen in Wizard101 in our Wonders of Wizard101 Contest!

You can Enter in two ways.
Enter on our Facebook page here: It’s easy to enter, just become a fan by clicking “Become a Fan” at the top, and find instructions under the event “Wonders of Wizard101 Contest.”

Players under 13 may email us their entry at with the subject line “Wonders of Wizard101 Contest.”

Click here to learn how to take a screenshot.

What Can I Win?
Three 1st Place winners will receive a signed poster and 10,000 Crowns, and twelve 2nd Place winners will receive 5000 Crowns.

Winners will be chosen by KingsIsle Entertainment. Winners will receive a Facebook or email message from us, depending on how they submitted their screenshot, and will be required to provide their physical mailing address to be shipped the prize.
Contest ends September 12th at noon Central US time.

null  A Quick How-To for the Wizard101 Message Boards
The Wizard101 Message boards are open for everyone to read, however only Members have permission to post. You can always reach these Message Boards by clicking on the "Message Board" tab at the left.

To start a new post, first make sure you are logged in to the website.
Click on the section of the Message Boards where you'd like your post to appear. (Make sure that it follows the description of the individual board, MooShu questions go in the MooShu section, ideas for Wizard101 go in the Dorms, etc)

Click the following flag at the top of that section.
Type your subject and message, and then click the Submit button at the bottom.

To reply to an existing post, first make sure you are logged in to the website.
Click the following flag at the top of the post you are replying to on the Message Boards.
Type your message, and then click the Submit button at the bottom.

You can also reply by quoting a previous poster in your message by clicking the word QUOTE at the bottom of their post. Type your message and then click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
Please remember, that while we are working as quickly as we can to be sure that we get your posts approved in less than 12 hours, please be aware that at times, we may experience a delay of up to 24 hours.

September 01 2009

null  Introducing the Heroes Set!
Wizard101 Gift Cards purchased at retailers across the US come with a special pet, and each month we rotate the pets between different sets. This month is the Heroes Set, including Crimsonzilla, War Pig, Zebra Piggle and many more. To learn more about these Gift Card pets, go to our Gift Card page.

Wizard101 FansiteDanger Hound Contest Continues!
Getting the Danger Hound pet is easier than you think!

Step 1. Make sure you are a registered member of Wizard101Central.
Step 2. If you are over the age of 13 and have a Facebook page, go to If you are under the age of 13, ask a family member to invite their friends.
Step 3: Click the Suggest to Friends link on the left hand side of our Wizard101 Facebook page.
Step 4: Select all your friends and invite them to become Fans too!

The more people you invite, the closer you get to the Danger Hound!
null  September Newsletter!
Each month we put out a Newsletter called the Ravenwood Bulletin (just like the one in the game!) and September is our 13th edition. You can find our Newsletter under the News section on the website, as well as at this link: September Ravenwood Bulletin

Wizard101 Abracadoodle  New Abracadoodle!
See the latest in the story of a young Wizard and his ongoing efforts to succeed at Ravenwood. To see the comic and browse the archives in case you missed any, visit our Abracadoodle Page.
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