Do you still see Vertical Lines?
If you are still experiencing this problem AFTER the November 4th 3am update, please submit a Support request, it is very important we get your feed back.
We need your information - please complete the following steps if you are still experiencing this problem.
1. Click Start on your computer.
2. Select Run
3. Type dxdiag and press OK
4. A window will open.
5. Click 'Save All Information'
6. Save the file someplace you'll be able to easily remember.
7. Exit this window by clicking Exit
8. Log into the Wizard101 site
9. Click Help -> Support -> Ask a Question
10. Type 'Vertical Lines' problem information and attach the file you saved.
Thank you! We appreciate all the feedback you've given us to make Wizard101 fun and accessible for everyone.
Downtime to Resolve Graphics Issue with Names
Malistaire has targeted very specific people with an attack that makes all the names in Wizard101 turn into vertical lines.
Finally! We've perfected the counter spell and cast it on some of our interns to make sure it works.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but for us to cast this spell across the lands of the Spiral, we must make sure that there are no student Wizards in Wizard101.
We will be taking the game servers for Wizard101 offline at 3:00am Central Time, Tuesday November 4th 2008. The downtime will last up to three hours, but we hope to have dispelled this problem sooner than that.
Thank you for your patience. |