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Ravenwood News

Wizard101 Dragonspyre NPC Doodle  Welcome to the Ravenwood News!

Discover here the latest news from Wizard City and from around the Spiral! Read all about new game updates, events and contests, maintenance notices @KI_Alerts, and news from our Official Fansites. Check back often!

Want even more news? Read announcements, questions, and comments on our Discord Server, as well as Twitter and Facebook.

July 29 2009

null  More Creative Writing!
With Wizard101 offline for an extended period of time, Professor Greyrose was able to catch up on reading some of our Creative Writing submissions! Read the tales of many young Wizards on our Creative Writing Pages in the Wizard Community Section.

null  Wizard101 Maintenance
Wizard101 the game will be offline during an extended maintenance period of 3am to approximately 5am 7am Central US Time on Wednesday July 29th. During this time, players will be unable to log in to the game, and players who are in the game will be prompted to log out.
Player vs Player Points Adjustment
During the July 29th maintenance downtime, we will be adjusting the Player vs Player points.

Due to an issue with the Player vs Player ranking system, players were erroneously being awarded increased PvP points after a duel.

To resolve this issue, we decided [u]not[/u] to reset everyone's Player vs Player points back to 500, but instead we chose to only reset those points that appear to have been incorrectly calculated.

To ensure a fair playing field, all scores above 950 have been reduced to 950. This will not affect the PvP Titles or Arena Tickets you have earned.
Bazaar Pricing Discrepancies
During the July 29th maintenance downtime, we will be addressing some of Elik's purchase prices for items that he previously was not giving full value for. Elik promised he would give a better value for items than the regular shopkeepers, and we are holding him to his word. After the update, if you still find an item that sells for more at the regular shopkeepers than at the Bazaar, please submit a bug report and let us know the exact item and the prices.

July 27 2009

null  Students, Friends, and Families of Wizard101,

Are you a single mother who is deployed or has returned from deployment and plays Wizard101 with a child? If you are, we would love to hear from you! We’d like to share your story with others who are looking for ways to connect with children over long distances.

To participate, send an email message to and tell us a little about yourself and your child. Don’t forget to tell us how best we can get in contact with you.

Thank you for staying connected with us!

July 24 2009

null  New Creative Writing!
Professor Greyrose is catching up on reviewing all your homework, and there are new Creative Writing stories for you to enjoy, including Part 4 of the popular Dark Crusader Chronicles! Find out more on our Creative Writing Pages in the Wizard Community Section.

null  Player vs Player Rankings
Sorry for the delay young Wizards, but our latest Player vs Player rankings are available! See our PvP Preview Season Page for the latest rankings!

July 23 2009

null  Are you attending BlogHer?
If you're attending the BlogHer conference from July 23rd to 29th, please drop us an email at We'd love to hear from you!

July 22 2009

null  New Bazaar!
Elik has updated his Bazaar in Olde Town. The new Bazaar allows players to sort items based on name, quantity, school, level and cost.

When you first arrive at the Bazaar, everything will be sorted by name. As you can see from the following picture, there's a yellow arrow under the word 'Name'. Click the word Name to sort from A to Z or Z to A.

Wizard101 Bazaar Interface

If you'd prefer to sort by the quantity of an item, click the top of the column with the # sign. You can sort from high to low, or low to high.

Wizard101 Bazaar Interface

If you'd prefer to sort by level, click the letters LVL at the top of the column. Again you can sort from high to low, or low to high.

Wizard101 Bazaar Interface

If you'd prefer to sort by school, click the top of the SCH column. A small spiral image indicates the item can be used by any school.

Finally, if you'd prefer to sort by cost you can do so by clicking on the top of the column with the word Cost. You can sort from high to low and low to high.

Wizard101 Bazaar Interface

If you only want to see items that your current character can use at this time, select the Usable checkbox in the lower right corner of the window. This will filter out all items that you cannot currently use due to level or school restrictions.

We all hope that you will find shopping at the new and improved Bazaar an easier and faster experience.

July 17 2009

nullDo You Want to be a Game Tester?
Wizard101 has a Test Realm and we invite Members and Crowns players who have made a purchase in the last 30 days to participate in testing new features in Wizard101.

Log in to the Test Realm over the weekend to see what improvements we've made to the Bazaar in Olde Town, then give us your feedback on the Message Boards!

To learn more about this Test Realm, please see our Sneak Peek Page.
null  Wizard101 Downtime
Wizard101 the game will be offline during our regular maintenance period of 3am to 4am on Friday July 17th. During this downtime, players will not be able to log in to the game, and players who are logged in will be prompted to log out. the website will also experience interrupted service during this same downtime.

Thank you for your understanding as we continue to upgrade our game and website services for all our players.

July 15 2009

nullFalmea's Secrets!
Did you know that Falmea set her Dorm room on fire? Professor Falmea has posted on the message boards a little information about herself that her Fire Students, and other young Wizards may find interesting. Read the Post Here!
null  New Ringtones and a Special Remix!
There are a few new Ringtones on our Downloads Page including a Krokotopia Combat Ringtone and some amazing Grizzleheim Ringtones!

Our Friendly Necromancer has created a Grizzleheim Music Remix! Check it out on our Downloads Page!

July 14 2009

null  Wizard101 Downtime and Minor Updates
Wizard101 the game will be offline from 3am to approximately 4am on Tuesday July 14th*.

This downtime is necessary to address the issues listed below:
  1. Wandering creatures in Dragonspyre will no longer gain Power Pips naturally, however the bosses of the Spiral still maintain this ability.
  2. Sgt Skullsplitter will be taught another lesson by Merle Ambrose and will stop casting interrupts on players.
  3. Baby Drakes will once again appear for the Break An Egg quest.
  4. Scarl Soomhowler will appear more frequently for the Clean Them Out Quest.
  5. Players will get a message after they complete Trade Voyage to seek out Merle Ambrose and gain access to Grizzleheim after level 20.
  6. Scarsnout will now properly resist Myth spells and be weak to Storm spells.
  7. Reagents in your Reagent section of your backpack will now be alphabetized.
  8. The creatures in Raven Fortress will be less aggressive and won't pull Wizards into combat as easily.
  9. Krokotopian Scarabs can properly be bought and sold from the Bazaar.
  10. Yardbird Quest goals will be more clearly defined.
  11. Veil of Verdancy will no longer be bright pink and can now be dyed.
  12. Hood of Ashes will now have a level 45 requirement.
  13. Amaranthine Staff will no longer be eligible to sell at the Bazaar.
  14. The following house items will now work properly in your house:
    1. Dogfish Statue
    2. Dragon Wall Bust
    3. Dragonwing Bust
    4. Stone Fireplace
    5. Brick Fireplace
    6. Soda Barrels
    7. Tiny Arched Door
    If you do not see them where you placed them before tonight, you may need to go to your attic and pick all items up in the house for it to appear. We apologize for this slight inconvenience, but it may be the only way to ensure you can retrieve the item.
  15. The Eye will once again be an item players can interact with for the Eye of Truth quest.
  16. Tall Wooden Shelf & Rough Wooden Shelf can now be picked up once they've been placed in a Castle or Dorm.
  17. PvP Ranked Match results will now be correct after PvP match completion.
Please know this downtime only addresses the issues listed above, and we are working diligently to fix others that players have brought to us.

Watch the message boards and the Ravenwood News for upcoming information about additional updates and fixes.

*please note this downtime may be extended without notice, but we will try to message any extensions on the Wizard101 game launcher.

July 13 2009

Happy Piggle will once again be Sunshine Happy!
For those of you who purchased a Rite-Aid card that included the Happy Piggle, you may have noticed it has changed its look and suddenly has stripes!

Fear not young Wizards, soon your Happy Piggle will once again be a Happy Blue Piggle with the sunshine on its belly.

nullWizard101 Maintenance
Wizard101 the game will be offline date during the regular maintenance period of 3am and 4am Central US Time on July 13th. Players will not be able to log in to the game during this period, and players who are in the game will be prompted to log out.

July 08 2009

null  Beware of Facebook Imitators
Be sure you are visiting the Official Wizard101 Facebook page linked here:

Beware of imitations that promise Crowns for promotions.

Important Update
There will be an update to Wizard101 July 8th at 3am Central US Time that will include the following important changes!

Enhanced Boss Encounters Update
The bosses of the Spiral have been taught a lesson by Merle Ambrose, and they will no longer interrupt your combat! All the Enhanced Boss Battles are back to normal, but the bosses have kept their knowledge of Power Pips, and they will earn and use Power Pips just like a Wizard.

Crafting Updates
More Mist Wood and Scrap Iron will be appearing in the Spiral, and should be easier for Wizards to find as they learn the ways of Reagents and Crafting.
Cool down timers on some recipes have been lowered to allow Wizards to create items more quickly. Reagents have been added as rewards for Mini Games!
The reagents needed for Treasure Cards have been reduced, most notably the number of Treasure Card ingredients needed to create the final Treasure Card.
The descriptions for some of the Craft-able Items were incomplete and should now reflect all the bonuses the items grant the player.

Treasure Card Updates
Harold Argleston in the Wizard City Library, and Zan’ne in the Krokotopia Library will have some of their inventory of Treasure Cards renewed, but at a cost. Treasure Cards in the Library will be more expensive than in the Bazaar, and the Bazaar will be more expensive than Crafting your own Treasure Cards. *

Quest Updates
The Weapons Cache in Merkholm will once again allow players to interact with it, without having to switch Realms.
Death Students will be acknowledged for completing the Sweet Revenge quest.
Stump Worms will be appearing once again for the Good Eats quest.

Housing Update
The Wallpaper and Floor textures that had suddenly turned pink and purple for many Wizards, will once again appear as their normal wallpaper and floor patterns!

Thank you to all our young Wizards who gave us feedback and bug reports!
To make all of these updates happen, Wizard101 will be offline between 3am and 4am Central US Time on July 8th 2009. During this time, players will not be able to log in to the game, and players who are in the game will be prompted to log out.

July 07 2009

Now Even Easier!
We've now made it even easier for our players to reach this news page. Just type in and this is where you'll land!
J. Todd Coleman Interview Wizard101 Correspondent Gabe Pursel recently asked a number of questions of KingsIsle Entertainment Executive Director J. Todd Coleman about their magic-filled MMO Wizard101.

Read the Interview Here!

July 03 2009

  nullNew Wizard - the Diapermancer
Our friends over at the Friendly Necromancer blog have just added another Wizard to their family! Autumn over at Homework in a Graveyard coined the term Diapermancer to celebrate the Friendly Necromancer's new addition to his family.

Find out more about this new Wizard over at the Friendly Necromancer Fansite.

Congratulations from all of us at KingsIsle Entertainment!

July 02 2009

Movie Making Magic
Have you ever wanted to be a film director? Here’s your opportunity! Make your own Wizard101 video!

We’ve provided the background, you just have to use your creativity to visualize what Merle and Gamma are talking about in the Crystal Ball. We've made some examples to help spark your imagination. Follow the instructions on the page linked below and once you're happy with your video, post it on an internet video hosting website and email us the link!
Movie Making Magic

Bug Squashed!
We have squashed this bug!

We had an emergency update, and this issue should no longer prevent players from Crafting.

Thank you for all your feedback and information on this bug. All Crafting Slots are in Use
Thank you to all our Wizards who have reported the "All crafting slots are in use" bug that they are encountering.

Please be patient and know that we are aware of this issue are taking steps to fix it. At this time, there's no need to report this issue to our Customer Support department, Mr Lincoln is up to his tail feathers right now, and he's working as fast as he can.

I’ll keep you informed about any updates, and again, thank you for your feedback!

~Professor Greyrose

July 01 2009

To help spread the word and the good will, several of our top fansites have received exclusives straight from Merle Ambrose! Wizard101Central has a wonderful new Grizzleheim wallpaper, WestKarana has a Wizard City wallpaper, WikiA has a Krokotopia wallpaper and the Friendly Necromancer has an exclusive on the secret behind why mannequins are so hard to Craft! Find out more by visiting each of these top fan sites.
Grizzleheim! Crafting! Bazaar oh my!
Late last night, while most of our young Wizards were fast asleep, we launched Grizzleheim, Crafting, the Bazaar and many other features. For more information, please see our Update Notes page.
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  • We’re rated E 10 and up for Crude Humor and Mild Fantasy Violence
  • We won the Massively Award for Best of the Decade
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