Pay as You Go Pricing
Free to Play Players can choose to purchase individual Pay as you Go Zones of Wizard101 without a Wizard101 Membership. It allows you to purchase just the next zone you need to progress, and once you've purchased a zone, it's accessible to all your characters on that account who have completed the quests to enter that zone.
Pay as you Go Zones purchased on Family Master Accounts do not carry over to Sub accounts.
Wizard City Premium Zone Pricing
Dueling Arena/Pet Pavilion
Practice PvP/Derby | Free |
Ranked PvP/Derby | 80 /match 240 / 24hour Day Pass |
Four Dungeons Premium Dungeon Zone Pricing
Kembaalung for Level 25+ Wizards | 1,245 |
Barkingham Palace for Level 40+ Wizards | 1,745 |
House of Scales for Level 60+ Wizards | 2,495 |
Castle Darkmoor for Level 100+ Wizards | 3,495 |
Dungeon Rentals - 495
For Crowns players, we have added an additional option to rent these fun Dungeon Zones. You can rent a single Dungeon for six hours for 495 .
Dungeon Zones
These special Dungeon Zones not only have challenging dungeons for different levels of Wizards, but also new characters and story line. The Four Dungeons are
challenging, but yield great rewards!
Aquila Premium Dungeon Zone Pricing
Mount Olympus for Level 30+ Wizards | 2495 |
Atlantea for Level 70+ Wizards | 3245 |
Tartarus for Level 90+ Wizards | 3995 |
Dungeon Rentals - 645
For Crowns players, we have added an additional option to rent these fun Dungeon Zones. You can rent a single Dungeon for six hours for 645 .
Dungeon Zones
These special Dungeon Zones not only have challenging dungeons for different levels of Wizards, but also new characters and story line. Aquila Dungeons are
challenging, but yield great rewards!
Krokotopia & Selenopolis Premium Zone Pricing
Krokotopia |
Oasis | Free for a limited time! Learn More >> |
Altar of Kings | Six zones for 3500 |
Royal Hall |
Chamber of Fire |
Palace of Fire |
Throne Room of Fire |
Krokosphinx | Six zones for 3500 |
Entrance Hall |
Hall of Champions |
Grand Arena |
Vault of Ice |
Emperor's Retreat |
Tomb of Storms | Seven zones for 3500 |
Well of Spirits |
Ahnic Family Tomb |
Djeserit Family Tomb |
Karanahn Barracks |
Karanahn Palace |
Temple of Storms |
Tomb of the Beguiler | 915 |
Selenopolis |
Selenopolis Hub | Two zones for 2295 |
Blended Grove |
Marketplace of Ideas | Three zones for 2295 |
Grand Exposition |
Underground Marketplace |
Tomb of the Forgotten | One zone for 2295 |
Garden of Khonsu | Three zones for 2295 |
Halls of Taweret |
Vivarium |
Wysteria Premium Zone Pricing
Pigswick Academy | 1000 |
Pegasus Place | 1000 |
Tanglewood Way | 1000 |
Marleybone Premium Zone Pricing
Regent's Square | Four zones for 1200 |
Royal Museum |
Digmoore Station |
Hyde Park |
Chelsea Court | 1200 |
Ironworks | 1200 |
Kensington Park | 1200 |
Scotland Yard Roof | Two zones for 1200 |
Newgate Prison |
Knight's Court | 1200 |
Katzensteins Lab | 1200 |
Counterweight East | 1200 |
Counterweight West | 1200 |
Big Ben | 1200 |
Mooshu Premium Zone Pricing
Jade Palace | Two zones for 1200 |
Hametsu Village |
Tatakai Outpost | 1200 |
Crimson Fields | 1200 |
Yoshihito Temple | Two zones for 1200 |
Ancient Burial Ground |
Village of Sorrow | 1200 |
Tree of Life | 1200 |
Shoshun Village | Two zones for 1200 |
Cave of Solitude |
Kishibe Village | 1200 |
Shirataki Temple | 1200 |
Dragonspyre Premium Zone Pricing
The Basilica | Three zones for 1200 |
The Atheneum |
The Tower Archives |
Plaza of Conquests | 1200 |
The Grand Chasm | 1200 |
The Necropolis | Two zones for 1200 |
The Drake Hatchery |
The Crucible | 1200 |
The Labyrinth | 1200 |
Dragonspyre Academy | Two zones for 1200 |
The Crystal Grove |
The Forum | 1200 |
The Great Spyre | 1200 |
Celestia Premium Zone Pricing
Survey Camp | Three zones for 1695 |
Celestia Base Camp |
Grotto |
District of the Stars | Two zones for 1695 |
Stellarium |
The Floating Land | Two zones for 1695 |
Stormriven |
Stormriven Hall | Two zones for 1695 |
The Lunarium |
Science Center | Two zones for 1695 |
Crustacean Empire |
The Solar District | Two zones for 1695 |
Trial of the Spheres |
Zafaria Premium Zone Pricing
Baobab Cross | Three zones for 1695 |
Baobab Crown |
Baobab Market |
Savannah | 1695 |
Zamunda | Two zones for 1695 |
Zamunda Outskirts |
Stone Town | Two zones for 1695 |
Waterfront |
Drum Jungle | Two zones for 1695 |
Elephant Graveyard |
Mirror Lake | Two zones for 1695 |
Shining Mountain |
Grizzleheim & Wintertusk Premium Zone Pricing
Grizzleheim |
Northguard | Two zones for 1995 |
Savarstaad Pass |
Vigrid Roughland | 1995 |
Mirkholm Keep | 1995 |
Nidavellir | Four zones for 1995 |
Hall of Valor |
Winterdeep Warren |
Helgrind Warren |
Ravenscar | 1995 |
Wintertusk |
Hrundle Fjord | 1995 |
Vestrilund | 1995 |
Astrilund | 1995 |
Sudrilund | 1995 |
Nastrond | Two zones for 1995 |
Nordriland |
Avalon Premium Zone Pricing
Caliburn | Three zones for 1695 |
Abbey Road |
High Road |
Upper and Lower Caer Lyon | 1695 |
The Wild | 1695 |
The Wyrd | Two zones for 1695 |
Dun Dara |
Castle Avalon | Three zones for 1695 |
Lake Shore |
Deep Water |
Catacombs | Five zones for 1695 |
Crystal Caves |
Ghost Avalon |
Keep of Ganelon |
Restored Keep |
Azteca Premium Zone Pricing
Zocalo | Three zones for 1995 |
Three Points |
Cenote |
Mangrove Marsh | Two zones for 1995 |
Saltmeadow Swamp |
Zultun Dock | Two zones for 1995 |
Cloudburst Forest |
Tierra de Brea | Two zones for 1995 |
Pitch Black Lake |
Alto Alto Village | Two zones for 1995 |
Floating Mountains |
Twin Giants | Two zones for 1995 |
Xibalba |
Khrysalis Part 1 Premium Zone Pricing
Bastion | Three zones for 1995 |
Silent Market |
Moon Cliffs |
Last Wood | Two zones for 1995 |
Tyrian Gorge |
Fort Rachias | One zone for 1995 |
Khrysalis Part 2 Premium Zone Pricing
Crescent Beach | Two zones for 1995 |
Ruined Alcazar |
Radiance Reborn | Two zones for 1995 |
Sardonyx |
Kondha Desert | Three zones for 1995 |
The Hive |
Shadow Palace |
Polaris Premium Zone Pricing
Walruskberg | Two zones for 1995 |
Walruskberg Harbor |
Forlorn Tayg | Two zones for 1995 |
River of Frozen Tears |
Urville Station | Two zones for 1995 |
Frigid Maw |
Kataba Iceblock | Two zones for 1995 |
Borealis Peaks |
The Arcanum | One zone for 1995 |
Mirage Premium Zone Pricing
Caravan/Alkali | 1995 |
Aggrobah | 1995 |
Caterwaul/Rubal/Chronoverge | 1995 |
Istanboa/ Yakhal | 1995 |
Thieves Den | 1995 |
Eerem/Chronoverge | 1995 |
Empyrea Part 1 Premium Zone Pricing
Aeriel Shore | Two zones for 1995 |
Aeriel Jungle |
Zanadu Surface | Two zones for 1995 |
Zanadu Sewers |
Outer Athanor | Three zones for 1995 |
Inner Athanor |
Sepidious |
Empyrea Part 2 Premium Zone Pricing
Samsara Village | Three zones for 1995 |
Reverie |
Nimbus |
Aero Plains | Three zones for 1995 |
Port Aero |
Velo City |
Chaos Jungle | Two zones for 1995 |
Husk |
Catacombs Premium Zone Pricing
The Catacombs | 12 zones for 6000 |
Hall of Inevitable Betrayal |
Office of the Photomonger |
Tower of Various Rituals |
Dragon Breath Cavern |
Edge of the Spiral |
Valencia Areas |
Crannoc Dorcha |
Viggor's Tomb |
Foetid Crypt |
Whispering Sepulcher |
The Drains |
Karamelle Premium Zone Pricing
Karamelle City |
Three zones for 2295
Von Trap Estate |
Rock Candy Mountains |
Gumdrop Forest |
Two zones for 2295 |
Sweetzburg |
Nibbleheim | Three zones for 2295 |
Nibbleheim Mine |
Gutenstadt |
Black Licorice Forest | Two zones for 2295 |
Candy Corn Farm |
Gobblerton |
One zone for 2295 |
Lemuria Premium Zone Pricing
Telos |
Two zones for 2295
Wildlands |
Ursai Village |
One zone for 2295 |
Night Forest |
One zone for 2295 |
Badlands |
Two zones for 2295
Mandoria |
Sky City |
One zone for 2295 |
Heap |
One zone for 2295 |
Novus Premium Zone Pricing
Catmandu |
One zone for 2295 |
Conatus |
Three zones for 2295
Stone of Heaven |
Puerto Nuovo |
New Vicorgia |
Two zones for 2295
Nucleus Gallery |
La Ville Rose |
One zone for 2295 |
Wallaru Premium Zone Pricing
Hope Springs |
Two zones for 2295
Kingsland |
Outback |
One zone for 2295 |
Wobbegong Territory |
Two zones for 2295
Collie Ranch |
Eucalyptus Forest |
Two zones for 2295
Billabong Resort |
The Dreaming |
Three zones for 2295
Doom Moon |
Dasein Estate |