These pets will ROCK your world!
Look what washed up in the Spiral! Marble at the new Rock Skipper Pet and Roccaneer Pet, they’re sure to help you pull off much boulder moves in battle. These pets can be purchased in the Crown Shop for just 1,500 Crowns each!
Roccaneer Pet
Between a rock and a hard place? Not to quarry! The Roccaneer Pet has your back!
Rock Skipper Pet
No rock can skip farther than this sea faring mineral!
What Wizards Are Saying About the
Roccaneer and Rock Skipper Pets!
“I thought I hit rock bottom before the Rock Skipper Pet showed up and put some pep back in my step!” – Amber WildFlame
“The Roccaneer Pet took my sediment to heart, now we have an awesome new battle plan to petrify any enemy!” – Lauren SparkleWeaver
“These pets are the perfect pair, the bond we share is nothing less than cementation!” – William SilverDreamer
Don’t take this time for GRANITE, these pets will skip out of the Crown Shop on Sunday, April 30th.