Good day, Wizards! It’s time to cast haste and find the true meaning of speed! Over the next couple of months, we’d like to celebrate the inventive and clever group of folks that love to take a game apart at the seams. Speedrunners!
From now until
11:59pm CT January 1st, 2023 the speedrun leaderboards
(https://www.speedrun.com/wizard101) are worth Crowns! Every category of speedrun is its own leaderboard, and the top 3 spots on each of those leaderboards have a Crown bounty.
If 15 opportunities to win Crowns isn’t enough for you, try livestreaming! If your run earns any of the top 5 spots and was livestreamed from start to finish, you’ll win a bonus of 2,500 Crowns. You’ll never know when a run is on pace to get top 5, so we recommend livestreaming most if not all your attempts.
There are
5 categories, 4 of which are 100% free to play. If you’re new to speedrunning, just know the current champion went from total newcomer to chart-topper in a short amount of time.
The following categories are a part of this Speedrun Charity Event:
- Harvest Lord%
- General Akilles%
- Alicane Swiftarrow%
- Wizard City%
- Krok%
Important: Co-op sub-categories are NOT a part of this event. This event will ONLY be considering solo runs for Crown/charity bounties
The Charity!
Games Done Quick is a series of charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level gameplay by speedrunners raising money for charity. To date, Games Done Quick has raised over 34 million dollars for charity, and we'd like to make that a bigger number!
For every player whose run beats the last-place run on each category leaderboard (as of November 16th, 2022), KingsIsle will be donating $25 to Games Done Quick. That means for Wizard101, a single player can enable $125 to go to charity!!
We will be watching (and donating to!) the upcoming GDQ event that starts January 8th, 2023. For more information on that event, go to
How to Enter
Choose to compete in any/all of the following speedrun categories on
Record, or if you want BONUS Crowns, Livestream yourself completing the run. Make sure to follow all the rules in the “Show Rules” button for each category!
Submit your run through the “Submit Run” button on the relevant category on speedrun.com/wizard101.
- Once a moderator has verified that your run follows the rules and has no cheating, it will appear on the leaderboard. This process may take a few days.
You may submit runs
starting now until 11:59pm January 1st, 2023. Runs submitted before the deadline are eligible for this contest even if they take until after the deadline to verify.
The Prizes
Players are eligible to earn Crowns for any number of categories.
The top 3 runs for each category will receive a Merit prize:
- 1st place = 10,000 Crowns
- 2nd place = 5,000 Crowns
- 3rd place = 2,500 Crowns
The top 5 runs are eligible for a 2,500 Crowns Livestream bonus:
- Technically, only the leaderboard-placing run needs to be livestreamed. However, it is highly recommended to livestream all attempts.
- 100% of the leaderboard-placing run needs to have been livestreamed to be eligible for the bonus.
- You must livestream to Twitch or YouTube
- If you win 1st place in every category and livestream all those attempts, congratulations! You’ll win 62,500 Crowns!
Tips and Resources
Here is a tutorial of how to set up the on-screen timer speedrunners use.
Here is the official speedrun community for Wizard101! They may be your competitors, but they are ELATED to introduce and guide new players to speedrunning. Their Discord has all the strategies one needs to become the fastest Wizard in the world.
The quickest way to learn is by watching the world record run. If you click any of the runs on
https://www.speedrun.com/wizard101, you can view the video. Take notes!
If you want the livestream bonus but cannot play the game and livestream at the same time try the following: Play the game at 1280x720 resolution (aka 720p), setting your stream canvas + output resolution to 1280x720, and closing background applications like your internet browser.
- If you CAN do 1080p, it is HIGHLY recommended.
If you are currently on the leaderboards, a final run does NOT need to beat your current time to be eligible for the charity aspect of this event. It only needs to beat the last-place time as described above.
- Important: Only runs submitted in the contest timeframe are eligible for prizes.
- If you are currently on the leaderboards, a final run does NOT need to beat your current time to be eligible for the charity aspect of this event. It only needs to beat the last-place time as described above.
- If you are under 13 years of age, ask your parents or guardian permission to participate.
- The legitimacy of submissions is at the discretion of speedrun.com moderators.
- KingsIsle's donation potential is capped at $5,000 for this event