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Main Quest BUGGED -- cannot move forward & no one has helped

Jan 13, 2011
So I cannot submit my completed quest (Down the Crazy River, Stone Town for Sobaka). This quest is literally so important but it's completely blank! It's basically as if it doesn't even exist! I contacted support and they responded saying they went into my account and finished the quest but that's just not true... I logged in happy only to see that it was the exact same- the quest was still there & broken! I wouldn't mind if a side-quest broke but this is a key part in moving forward. I'm basically stuck and can't move on to the next realm bc of this glitch. Is there any way this will be fixed? I'm gonna be extremely disappointed and might just cancel my membership if it can't :(

Obviously I don't mean to sound so aggravated but it's frustrating. I was waiting a few days for this to be fixed & was hopeful when I thought the bug was solved but it wasn't. I really don't want to wait another 48 hours for the response email-- if they couldn't have fixed it they shouldn't have said otherwise.