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Wizard101 newbie conduct

Jun 25, 2010

I'm not one to complain much, nor am i one to bully newbies for breaking certain codes of conduct(not wizard101 codes, but in general). How ever i believe that Ravenwood and mainly the commons is getting quickly out of control. I can not go to wizard city with out at east seeing 3 or 4 "I need a boy/girl" and i see these very clever(sarcasm) wizards using words spell names or capitalization of words to stand for certain things. And really these things don't bother me, but what really gets under my skin is when a level 4 or 5 calls a level 1 a noob. That is the most hypocritical thing that i have ever seen. And there is always some one calling some one ugly or dumb. I and i believe others would enjoy if you could add some more control to ravenwood. Because i love going to pet pavilion or the area, i just cant stand these mean, rude, and extremely hypocritical wizards. So i'm not asking for you to ban them. All i ask is that there is more moderation there and for warnings to be given out. Thanks for reading!

Jonathan Walker Transcended Sorcerer
Jonathan Lifehunter Master Necromancer

Jun 11, 2010
There is not much people can do. There is no such thing as reporting for being rude. If you don't like it, then turn on the feature so you can't see other people's chat bubbles. You just have to go to another realm, or turn off chat. I also disapprove of this behavior, but there are rude people in the world, and there is not much we can do about that.

Nov 05, 2011
I really don't like it when I see someone say especially rude things in the commons.

However, there isn't much we can do about it. Just ignore anyone who's being rude, or perhaps give advice to any victim.

Jun 05, 2011
I am 100% with you on that. Every time I go to the commons it's the same "I want a boy/girl" non sense. In my personal opinion dating on an online game is insanely not smart (since you don't know who the person is). I stay out of the commons a lot now and I used to like it, but not much anymore.

Blake Titancaller Level 70 Storm Wizard

Apr 10, 2010
Depending on my mood, I will "park" one of my wizards in the Commons and listen to the different wizards. It can be rather entertaining some days. Other days, I avoid it like the plague.

I did once whisper to another wizard when he said "I want a girl." I asked him "Why? We're a LOT of trouble, you know." For some reason, I never got a reply.....

Oct 20, 2011
I hate it when people bully each other I just stand up for him tell them to knock it off and if they dont I challenge them to a pvp
and plus all this i need a boy/girl it is annoying

Eric SwiftPyre lvl 39 Pyromancer 8)

If you are walking on thin ice might as well dance

Jul 23, 2011
I have only had people talk trash to me a couple of times, but it was someone trying to intimidate me because I was a lower level than them. I think they were grandmaster, and I was magus. I offered to switch to my transcendent, and do a practice pvp, but they left and didn't come back.

Aug 01, 2009
firedude6006 wrote:
I hate it when people bully each other I just stand up for him tell them to knock it off and if they dont I challenge them to a pvp
and plus all this i need a boy/girl it is annoying

Eric SwiftPyre lvl 39 Pyromancer 8)

If you are walking on thin ice might as well dance

I stand up for people and often state my opinion, but really, PVP challenge?
That just seems mature, no reason to result in 'Violence'
I don't PVP, so it would be unfair on my part in ways.


Jun 16, 2012
Agreed. You can't make fun of newbies because everyone was once a noob.

-Emily SkyBlade, Level 41, Master Pyromancer.

Jun 14, 2009
irishjonny wrote:

I'm not one to complain much, nor am i one to bully newbies for breaking certain codes of conduct(not wizard101 codes, but in general). How ever i believe that Ravenwood and mainly the commons is getting quickly out of control. I can not go to wizard city with out at east seeing 3 or 4 "I need a boy/girl" and i see these very clever(sarcasm) wizards using words spell names or capitalization of words to stand for certain things. And really these things don't bother me, but what really gets under my skin is when a level 4 or 5 calls a level 1 a noob. That is the most hypocritical thing that i have ever seen. And there is always some one calling some one ugly or dumb. I and i believe others would enjoy if you could add some more control to ravenwood. Because i love going to pet pavilion or the area, i just cant stand these mean, rude, and extremely hypocritical wizards. So i'm not asking for you to ban them. All i ask is that there is more moderation there and for warnings to be given out. Thanks for reading!

Jonathan Walker Transcended Sorcerer
Jonathan Lifehunter Master Necromancer

If you hate this this that much, then i warn you don't go into the commons in the WU realm.No offense to anybody in KI, but i went there, and in 5 minutes things didn't go well as other realms.I don't know why it is in the WU realm, but people do his kind of stuff in there a lot.