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What's in your closet?

May 24, 2012
I'm not sure the beginning wizards realize that they can increase their life score almost immediately. Every time you duel you should win something. If it's boots and they're better than the ones you're wearing, stop and change them. You don't have to run around with that low life score forever. When the little circle shows up on the left side of your screen for boots, hats, tunics, etc., hover your mouse over it to see the details. You should be getting better gear as you go. When you get to level 5 or so, go to the bazaar to look for better stuff. Sell off what you've gathered so you'll have enough gold. Then every 3 or 4 levels go back to the bazaar, sell your drops, see what you can find that will raise your stats. You don't have to be a weak little newbie for very long. Not losing your life will also boost your confidence.

Jul 03, 2010
quilteddawg63 on Oct 8, 2012 wrote:
I'm not sure the beginning wizards realize that they can increase their life score almost immediately. Every time you duel you should win something. If it's boots and they're better than the ones you're wearing, stop and change them. You don't have to run around with that low life score forever. When the little circle shows up on the left side of your screen for boots, hats, tunics, etc., hover your mouse over it to see the details. You should be getting better gear as you go. When you get to level 5 or so, go to the bazaar to look for better stuff. Sell off what you've gathered so you'll have enough gold. Then every 3 or 4 levels go back to the bazaar, sell your drops, see what you can find that will raise your stats. You don't have to be a weak little newbie for very long. Not losing your life will also boost your confidence.
Very good pointers young wizard - you have come a long way in your knowledge of the game.

Jun 30, 2010