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Waterworks Gear

Jun 17, 2009
i believe that there definitely should be a challenge to get some stuff, but I think the Waterworks gear is too difficult to earn, and should be rewarded after completing the Waterworks quest by talking to Herman. If this idea is passed, all wizards that have completed the Waterworks gear should be given it as soon as possible

Connor Redshield
Promethean Pyro

Jul 03, 2010
LordoftheFallingSk... on Oct 1, 2013 wrote:
i believe that there definitely should be a challenge to get some stuff, but I think the Waterworks gear is too difficult to earn, and should be rewarded after completing the Waterworks quest by talking to Herman. If this idea is passed, all wizards that have completed the Waterworks gear should be given it as soon as possible

Connor Redshield
Promethean Pyro
I agree. I believe they make this instance to difficult for gear that does effect how well you can play the game going forward 30 levels now. So much game time is wasted repeating this instance unless you have a "group" to run it over and over again. There is enough in the game now that can be farmed for why keep this instance as that any more.

I did the instance for the Life and then Death gear but quit after that because it was just to annoying to try to get a group to successfully run it many many times. I am glad the crafted gear offers a "almost" like option but for the robe especially I wouldn't mind having the WW one for my Balance, Storm, Myth and Ice wizards. Back in the day when I only had one wizard and wasn't planning on any more it was some what ok but now filling 6-12 slots over accounts it's just to much.

For instance: during the recent Birthday celebrations we spent some time hopping from world to world for the gifts, it was a blast for us. While doing this we got to see many diverse wizards that needed help on things and we helped them. What they all had in common was mismatched gear from drops a long the way, some lower level crown gear but none had any water works gear. These were wizards in Celestia thru Avalon, there was rarely anyone in the Azteca common area, when they were they were donning the WW gear because they evidently have had to turn to this farming repeatedly to continue on in AZ. It can become a big game stopper for a lot of wizards.

High five to the menu chat that knew the cheat in Black Palace I forgot and to the menu chat that knew the puzzle in Mt Olympus I don't know.

Aug 23, 2009
Given the stat nature of Water Works gear I have to disagree. I still don't have boots after unknown times of attempting, and that is as it should be. Farming is frustrating especially when you have to do entire dungeon when all you need is a single boss for this or that, however that challenge is apart of having WW gear, I've heard of no one who received their full set in one go. To give away such gear to everyone who merely completed WW is unfair to those who obtained it through the prescribed method, and cheapens its value. It's similar to Level 50 gear back in the day, tons of farming for a piece that could last weeks or months. This is just a much longer farm, and it's value is still seen as there are level 90 wizards who still use it.

Oct 11, 2010
LordoftheFallingSk... on Oct 1, 2013 wrote:
i believe that there definitely should be a challenge to get some stuff, but I think the Waterworks gear is too difficult to earn, and should be rewarded after completing the Waterworks quest by talking to Herman. If this idea is passed, all wizards that have completed the Waterworks gear should be given it as soon as possible

Connor Redshield
Promethean Pyro
Wait till you do the 90 minute hades runs 100's of times and not seeing your full set yet. WW was a quick map under an hour with the right setup.

May 21, 2012
ive battled the squid atleast 8 times and havent got any gear

Autumn DArkeyes 58