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Uh Oh...

Apr 05, 2014
I was in Wizard City and I had to do a quest, the Nightside quest, and I got the key to unlock the sunken Death School but it didn't let me in! I can't do that quest! What?! Can someone help me and figure it out for me?

Mar 16, 2013
It is possible this could be the result of the most rare and most dreaded glitch. The glitch is where you talk to someone and accept the quest. It does my process correctly. This will result in you not being able to enter the dungeon or place you want to enter. During this glitch it is likely that the quest will also not appear in your spell book and direction arrow will not work. The only possible way to fix this is to speak to the person who is supposed to give you access to where you are trying to go. The person will most likely have a exclamation point over their head as if they are giving you a new quest. Once you talk to them, the quest should be added to your spell book and direction arrow should work again. If you are still experiencing problems, the only thing you can do is contact Kingsile.