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Toxic players

Apr 01, 2010
So I recently had a player that I joined a battle, he started calling me a noob and started raging. He got so angry he started telling me to do terrible things. He started cursing and told me to do other horrible things, I reported him several times. My question is do the staff of wizard101 do anything about players like this?

Blaze BoomBlade on Mar 10, 2020 wrote:
So I recently had a player that I joined a battle, he started calling me a noob and started raging. He got so angry he started telling me to do terrible things. He started cursing and told me to do other horrible things, I reported him several times. My question is do the staff of wizard101 do anything about players like this?
Thank you Blaze for reporting them! Yes, we absolutely do. Using the in-game tools, and emailing us directly if necessary, is critical in us being able to identify and properly moderate these individuals.