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Sunkin City in Nightside

Dec 07, 2009
the Sunkin City takes forever to complete. If you plan on going in there to complete the quest, i would have to say "set one to two hours aside, because you always get pulled in to battles". Also if you plan going in, take three to four people in one group, we as a team of two, it took forever. Make sure to bring in some one who can heal the whole party, that was one of the major problems we had... Hope this helps any wizards

Jul 03, 2010
timetwister169 wrote:
the Sunkin City takes forever to complete. If you plan on going in there to complete the quest, i would have to say "set one to two hours aside, because you always get pulled in to battles". Also if you plan going in, take three to four people in one group, we as a team of two, it took forever. Make sure to bring in some one who can heal the whole party, that was one of the major problems we had... Hope this helps any wizards

Or hold off on doing it until you are a higher level, take at least one other with you and learn the trick of not getting pulled into battle, sometimes it's just a matter of waiting till the monster passes. Altho I hate to I can manage this and then just have the others in there port to me when I am in safe spots, we have pretty much always designated a run around person every time I go in there, it is impossible to get a group of 4 around there with out a least a few pull ins going on.

Oct 24, 2010
Wait until you are a higher level to do this. (Even the schools that require it for a spell quest do not send you there early on.)

This can be soloed by marking and porting. I've done it solo with all but one of my 6 wizards.

You also don't need to be pulled into battle...you just have to be patient. Very patient. :)