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Sunken City Glitch!

Dec 20, 2009
Please help me! Every time I am in Sunken City, I am walking at the sidewalk, and then the monsters just pull me out. I don't know why, but it is getting annoying. Also, when I am in a battle in Sunken City, 2 monsters just go in the battle and makes it harder. Please reply when you have an answer. Thanks! :)

My Account:

Wizard101 Name: Valdus DeathShade
Type: Death
Level: 16

This is not a glitch, young Wizard. When you first enter Sunken City you are given a stern warning that things are harder in there, and to be prepared. You will be drawn in to duels with multiple creatures and drawn into duels you though you avoided. Sunken City is supposed to be very hard and we usually suggest that you bring friends to this Dungeon.

Dec 20, 2009