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Oct 12, 2013
Hi all,
i am a lvl 39 wizard on W101. I have been wondering for some time now what happens after you get your level 42 spell? Do you go to a different world and learn spells from there? Or do you still stay in Wizard City to learn your spells? Please help me.
Isaac Silversword
Lvl 39

Sep 19, 2013
Feb 26, 2012
Clever Wizard on Apr 19, 2014 wrote:
Hi all,
i am a lvl 39 wizard on W101. I have been wondering for some time now what happens after you get your level 42 spell? Do you go to a different world and learn spells from there? Or do you still stay in Wizard City to learn your spells? Please help me.
Isaac Silversword
Lvl 39
As you level up your magic school teacher calls you back to ravenwood so you can learn a new spell for the level that you are at.
The things you do for that quest can vary depending on your school.
You do learn learn spells from different characters but it depends on what level you are. When you reach the required level the character that gives you the quest for that level of spell appears in the right side of the screen like the tips given you at the begging of the game. A main example would be the bear in Grizzleheim called Wyrdrune. Or friar Nolan in Avalon. If you've done the main quests for either world you should be fine.