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Soloing Aquila?

Jan 16, 2010
What level should you be if you're a , and want to solo Aquila? Do you even recommend a Death wizard solo Aquila? I understand that at level 30 (which my character just turned), it would be rather impossible to solo Aquila, but I'm curious for people that do solo it, what level did you start, and what are your strategies for doing so? Playing a Death wizard is rather a new experience for me. I'm enjoying it so far.


Jan 18, 2010
Instead of soloing, trying teaming up.


While I admire the courage to want to solo, teaming up makes the dungeon faster since you'll be spending some time here in order to farm for the senator's gear dropped here (which I highly recommend you do).

As a , make heavy use of your blades and traps (especially feint) and try to avoid using sacrifice if you've deathblades around you.

Instead, you can use it as a counter to a negative charm, such as weakness.

Aug 03, 2014
I know it's not the same but I was on a life wiz and I got so frustrated with teams quitting before the end I went in alone. I was just over level 30 (maybe level 32-34) and was desperate to get my Zeus gear. It was the first dungeon I ever soloed and I was fuelled on frustration and determination

I managed it but it took me over an hour for one run! It went something like this: heal, fizz, boost, pray, fizz, heal, boost, fizz, hit, pray, fizz, hold breath, panic, hit....repeat!

If you're up for the challenge for fun then death is a great school for it because you have hit-heals. Make use of them to keep your health up while reducing theirs. Shields and tc blades are good too. Feint is awesome, but beware the back of it on you! If you don't have deer knight maybe get a few tc of it for the Zeus battle where enemies use lots of shields.

If you're just wanting to get your gear though, team up or ask a high level friend to help you. Soloing is definitely not the most efficient farming.

I hope this is helpful, good luck!