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Quests in Wizard City

Nov 05, 2017
Basically, I have no membership and I did all of my quests. The only quests I have left is one from Dark Cave, Cyclops Lane, and Krokotopia. I did the part of the quests that I was able to do and now I am stuck. Can someone tell me what to do next?

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
You can buy areas permanently with crowns. Once you own an area you can go back to it as many times as you want, whether you have a membership or not.

Even if you are young, there are gift cards and bundle cards for sale at Game Stop, Target, Walmart, etc. You can use your allowance to buy the gift cards for crowns, and then use the crowns to buy areas. Buying them will unlock the remaining streets for you forever.

Another option is to get a membership. You can get it for a month at a time, or for a whole year. If you are young, you will need your parents' approval to get a membership.

Alia Misthaven

Oct 27, 2009
It sounds like you have quested all the free to play areas. You can: buy membership, buy crowns to permanently get access to each area, you can do daily quests to earn crowns to buy areas, you can watch ads to get crowns (it's an option you can turn on in game), or you can play KI free games trivia to get crowns.

If none of that appeals, you can hang out, visit castles, help other players at the team up kiosk, grow plants in your dorm, fish, maybe PVP, or train pets and race them, if you have access to those. I'm not sure exactly where the pay wall barrier is on some of those side activities, having been added after I switched from crowns playing to membership. I think some of them have a minimum wizard level to activate them. Can someone who knows more about the side activities as relates to Free to Play confirm or correct me?

You can also try Pirate101's free to play areas, if you haven't already. It's different than Wizard 101, but still set in the same spiral universe, with the occasional reference to events in Wizard. You visit different places than the wizards.