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Not getting to team up for a dungeon

Sep 20, 2018
When I go to a dungeon it doesn't have the option that says 'team up' or press X. If I press X it just starts the countdown but I can't team up unless someone joins. I can use the team up board thing but that's it unless I teleport someone. I don't know what to do.

Jul 13, 2013
Snowleopard360 on Oct 6, 2018 wrote:
When I go to a dungeon it doesn't have the option that says 'team up' or press X. If I press X it just starts the countdown but I can't team up unless someone joins. I can use the team up board thing but that's it unless I teleport someone. I don't know what to do.
Most likely, you are not high enough level, or it is a solo dungeon.
Good luck soloing

Aug 03, 2014
Snowleopard360 on Oct 6, 2018 wrote:
When I go to a dungeon it doesn't have the option that says 'team up' or press X. If I press X it just starts the countdown but I can't team up unless someone joins. I can use the team up board thing but that's it unless I teleport someone. I don't know what to do.
It sounds like a visual glitch where the box isn't showing up properly. I remember it happening to me for a while but sadly I am unsure what made it reappear.

Does it affect all your wizards? Is it every sigil? Have you tried changing wizards and then going back to the affected wizard? Is it still not showing after you quit the game and reloaded through the launcher?

If changing wizzy and reloading through the launcher doesn't patch it, you might need to try a reinstall of the game...I know it's a pain but it sounds like something isn't patching right for you if it's not fixing itself.

Let us know how you get on and I hope this works for you!