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Myth Pet

May 31, 2009
As my Grandsons watched my myth get killed over and over they said they were glad they stop playing Wizard 101. It is to hard for you Grandpa so we cant play it.
The myth pet quest i tried several times and got killed every time. Even at level 60+ myth is weak. Myth has been a sorry wizard since it was designed. My Grandkids both have an account each and have not played since encountering tough resistance in play some weeks back. They play Nintendo on TV now instead of the computer.
I guess I will go watch them play because I cant seem to get anywhere here either. To those in charge of the game, You have about put me on the outside not playing much anymore.
So, tomorrow I will find somehting else to do and leave the computer alone and then maybe the next day and so forth. I enjoyed the game when you could play it, but now, well you believe it is still a good game but my kids here will tell you different. wonder how many more will eventually drift away from the resistance they meet.

Mar 18, 2009
Nintendo is probably a better alternative after the Wizard101 skill level reaches a certain requisite.

Apr 28, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
As my Grandsons watched my myth get killed over and over they said they were glad they stop playing Wizard 101. It is to hard for you Grandpa so we cant play it.
The myth pet quest i tried several times and got killed every time. Even at level 60+ myth is weak. Myth has been a sorry wizard since it was designed. My Grandkids both have an account each and have not played since encountering tough resistance in play some weeks back. They play Nintendo on TV now instead of the computer.
I guess I will go watch them play because I cant seem to get anywhere here either. To those in charge of the game, You have about put me on the outside not playing much anymore.
So, tomorrow I will find somehting else to do and leave the computer alone and then maybe the next day and so forth. I enjoyed the game when you could play it, but now, well you believe it is still a good game but my kids here will tell you different. wonder how many more will eventually drift away from the resistance they meet.

From one grandpa to another, maybe we can make contact I have 6 trancended wizards (Ice, Death, Fire, Balance, Storm, and Life). We stand ready to help in any way we can. My 3 year old grandson loves to 'fight bad guys' with paw paw.

Oct 24, 2010
The quest for Orthrus is difficult but not impossible by any means. You need to get the proper gear and stack your deck correctly. I've done it several times and soloed each time. I'm sorry the game isn't for you... it isn't for everyone. Enjoy whatever games you choose to play! :-)

Jul 03, 2010
Darkblood1 wrote:
As my Grandsons watched my myth get killed over and over they said they were glad they stop playing Wizard 101. It is to hard for you Grandpa so we cant play it.
The myth pet quest i tried several times and got killed every time. Even at level 60+ myth is weak. Myth has been a sorry wizard since it was designed. My Grandkids both have an account each and have not played since encountering tough resistance in play some weeks back. They play Nintendo on TV now instead of the computer.
I guess I will go watch them play because I cant seem to get anywhere here either. To those in charge of the game, You have about put me on the outside not playing much anymore.
So, tomorrow I will find somehting else to do and leave the computer alone and then maybe the next day and so forth. I enjoyed the game when you could play it, but now, well you believe it is still a good game but my kids here will tell you different. wonder how many more will eventually drift away from the resistance they meet.

The best way to tackle these types of quests is to visit the fan site www.wizard101central.com it will give you tips on completing all the difficult quests in the game. I have found this very handy in many impossible for me quests in the game.

My grand kids dropped out of playing regular in Mooshu which was months ago, along with most all our friends up till then, where questing became too difficult for them to do with out constant help and they didn't know how to put more thought into gear and deck set up and have since moved on to another online game that is more compatible with their ages, they also have Wii and Xbox to use.

May 13, 2009
When all the new video game systems come out such as wii u, the game is going to become less popular. To keep up, they need to make new ways to play such as on these new systems. I agree that the game can get hard over time but if the game was easy, there would be no challenges.