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Mount Olympus Farming/ Farming in General

Dec 27, 2019
Hello, I am posting this here because I couldn't find a farming section to post this in. To start, I want to say that I think farming is a big part of this game, and a bit ridiculous, discouraging me to play on many occasions. I am currently on the 42nd run on my fire wizard in Mount Olympus to try to get the robe (yes, I've counted), I've gotten the boots and hat many times, just not a single robe. This isn't just a one time occurrence, this happens across all of my wizards. On my death I did about 25 runs and still didn't get the hat, and my friend and I did about 50 runs on my life and his storm, (both only being level 30, so this took a LOT longer,) and after FIFTY runs he still didn't get a single pair of the boots. My storm wizard hasn't gotten a single piece of Darkmoor gear after about 10-15 runs, and don't get me started on Waterworks.

I want to go on by saying I understand I don't need the full set, two pieces of Zeus gear and one piece of Senator gear is still really good, it's just something that I want to quest through the game faster. Also, I don't want this to be seen as a post only complaining about farming, as I see a LOT of posts that only complain and don't offer an idea, so here's my idea: a specific number of runs required in which you are guaranteed either the full set of gear, or a piece that you are missing. I think this would be a great addition because it gives a specific number and could incentivize farming more as people would know the minimum amount of runs in which they will get the gear if they get REALLY unlucky, like me in my opinion.

I think a good number for Mount Olympus would be 20-30 runs. After that many runs, the game should just give you the full Zeus gear set. I don't see this as unfair because that's still a lot of runs, showing you did put the hard work in to actually farm for the gear. This idea also wouldn't effect people who get really lucky and get it within less than 20 or 30 runs, because it doesn't change anything for them. For Darkmoor it could be after 5 runs you are guaranteed to get a single gear piece, and a higher number of runs for the full set. I know this takes away from that rush of adrenaline you get when you farm for so long and finally get that gear piece, but I just think it's a necessary addition to the game and could help out a lot. Let me know your thoughts!