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Mastery amulets and 8 pip spells

May 28, 2011
i was just wondering since I have some mastery amulets like a storm one, I was wondering how I can obtain leviathan as a card because all the amulets with it are storm only, so is there any I can get leviathan that’s not a treasure card?

Jan 18, 2010
If you insist on using the spell, then your only other alternatives would be:

Using gear that gives a copy of the spell/cardEquipping a pet that gives a copy or variant of the card/spell.
Some potential gear pieces include:

True Silver Boots (Level 90+) and also True Silver Boots (Level 80+) found inside or from rather the Majestic Bundle Gift Card.
Chieftain's Crown (Level 80+) and the level 90+ variant found from the Super Bundle Gift Card.
Smoldering Vengeance Helm (Level 50+) found from the Phoenix Hoard Pack.

There are a few more gear pieces but I just wanted to point out the ones that may be easiest for you to obtain.

Keep in mind that these gear pieces only give one copy of the card and will require crowns or other means to obtain.


These pets give the 7 pip version of the card dealing 935 damage and removing one positive charm.

Eternal Leviathan

Betta Fish

These pets gives a weaker version of the 7 pip versions of the spell dealing 835 damage instead ; of course, these pets may requiring training to unlock the card.

Eternal LeviathanDeep LeviathanChaos LeviathanDreaming Leviathan

Those are the current ways to obtain the card.

Note, you can find the leviathan hybrids especially be looking in the hatchmaking koisk. You can equip hybrids regardless of school.

Mar 09, 2018
I don't think you can train Leviathan, however you can get Storm Lord if you train all the storm spells to 42 and then go to the Arcanum once you're level 100 and get the spell from Ione