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Issues with the professor's quests

Jul 25, 2014
So uhm.. I have been having trouble lately with the quests for the professor's and it's not just one I seem to have an issue cuz when I go to my professor the storm frog I can't even access the quests and I have alot of them to do I get word that I have a new spell or whatever for a quest and then today when I just logged on, on my stormwizard and death wizard also I don't know if it is the same for my fire wizard but yeah it literally doesn't even let me do the quests I want to do like the ? that they have for the quests isn't showing up for my death wizard and storm wizard my ice has been fine but it's a only like level 43 and this has been happening to my higher level characters I honestly don't know the issue could someone help?

Sep 13, 2016