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how do i get to MooShu?

Dec 19, 2015
I've looked everywhere and I cant find it. I completed a few worlds, some main ones and it just won't pop up. Any ideas or tips would help.
Jennifer Pixiewhisper life wiz lvl 34

Apr 13, 2011
Just follow the main storyline and you will get there eventually. You will get there right after you finish Marleybone by doing the Big Ben dungeon.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
You must complete the main-story line and be the appropriate level (idk what it is specifically) Here is the quest tree for Marleybone you can find the one for Krokotopia if you are still there here. Find the quest that you are missing and continue on from there. If you are still very lost KI Support can help put you on track. Good luck!

Jun 12, 2016
You have to complete Wizard City, Krokotopia and Marleybone's main storyline (side worlds don't count as the main storyline, they don't affect your process to Mooshu at all except for your level) before being able to access to teleport to Mooshu. Though, if you are in Marleybone, you can take quests in Mooshu if a friend helps you teleport to Mooshu.