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Aug 03, 2012
So I got the quest to make the two athames from the reagent vendor lady, but I accidentally sold my crafting table from her earlier quest. ewe is there anyway to get it back or am I forever and always just gonna have that in my quests? -3-

Jul 08, 2011
Andiebeanio wrote:
So I got the quest to make the two athames from the reagent vendor lady, but I accidentally sold my crafting table from her earlier quest. ewe is there anyway to get it back or am I forever and always just gonna have that in my quests? -3-

You can buy it at several locations, and several vendors.


Jul 03, 2010
Andiebeanio wrote:
So I got the quest to make the two athames from the reagent vendor lady, but I accidentally sold my crafting table from her earlier quest. ewe is there anyway to get it back or am I forever and always just gonna have that in my quests? -3-

Am not positive but - you probably can buy it at the furniture shop or Bazaar.