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Does the Unicorn statue still drop with Lady Blackhope?

Mar 11, 2017
Yes, I know it's sold in the crown store for gold. But I want to win all the statues of the bosses plus other furniture they drop for the house I just bought as a fun challenge while I wait to buy crowns for areas.

Its been over 100+ tries after around 2 - 2 1/2 hours of constant fighting. I can complete a battle in one or two hits.
The most interesting thing ive gotten were 3, 1-day mounts out of all that work. Im wondering either that its much more rare than just "rare" or Blackhope no longer drops the item; I havent even gotten the Life pedestal she is also meant to drop.

Any topics I see on the matter are mostly from 2010-2011 which isnt helpful at all because alot could have changed in that time and even then people still could not give a stright answer of if the statue is still farmable from her.

I'd like to know if im just awfully unlucky or have been wasting time for an item I was never going to get in the first place.