I wonder... Kingsisle, I have been wondering, if you guys got the idea of *Darkmoor* from a band, that has told a story about the castle you guys recreated from song. I think this is really interesting, I was just wondering if you guys got that full Darkmoor story, from the band Dark Moor, their album The Dark Moor. Of course with a slight twist to move along the story of what y'all created. I have been going through a lot of thinking, It's been in my head for a long while... Maybe shortly after Darkmoor was released. What I've researched I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone think about the reference, or at least how I see things. Please do check out the lyrics, just examine the lyrics from this band's album. THINK about the story of Darkmoor, of how Dark Moor explains it. It seems so, similar!
Please, I do ask of some responses, especially from some Kingsisle employees who do know more of what I know on this! Also, Tatyana. I am a bit curious about the voice actor, maybe I am overthinking this, is it possible you did get the voice of the lead singer from Dark Moor, to speak?
The story differs slightly though, and the story *Dark Moor* had it, it seemed to end sad, and Tatyana never actually found out her name. The song, *A Life for Revenge* the first song, you guys did bend that story a little bit, I can tell you guys had that for Malistaire. (Note: I've known and liked this band, for a long time.)
Enough of me talking, I'd go on forever, on this story, I'll definitely be ready to reply! Meantime, check the lyrics out, please do if any of you are interested. (Note: Every song IS about another person's story of Dark Moor, their life. The album is about, love, and hate. A person who has loved a girl, that didn't love him, but she loved another guy... That, is one of the given story, I have looked at.)
(Sorry, I have to remove your link as it isn't allowed per the rules. ~Dworgyn)
Let me know, if I had some kind of misunderstanding. I am really open to everyone's suggestions!!