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Darkmoor as Myth wizard for farming

Apr 12, 2021
Why do people pick storm and fire over myth as a hitter? I was really trying get robe but they thought I was kidding when I wanted to hit. It's like they forget that myths are one of the best hitters, second in darkmoor.

Sometimes people would just leave.

No one buffs me up for big hits like I try to hit all of them when they are pretty low, but some are still alive in battle.

I know myth is heavily underrated.

Is there any people that are friendly and that love myths to help me in darkmoor?

Also I know some people still farm one battle or boss key and they should help together for three battles

I hope I can get some answers for this while working on my other characters.

I didn't want to get stuck in darkmoor farming so long for my Myth, but if you'd like to help me and you can find me in darkmoor, let me know if you want to add me, go ahead and I can help you too.

Victoria Rubyvault 140 level
Lauren Battleriver 140 level
Sophia Rainbowhand 100 level
Katie Dreambreath level 33
Britany Thunderdust level 16
Caroline Bearcaller level 5

Jan 18, 2010
Well, fire and storm are natural hitters.

If you are in a group play with both those wizards and a myth present, naturally, you're going to expect the storm and fire to be doing all the hitting as opposed to schools such as myth.

I do agree that Myth can hold its on in offense as well, however, the two prior schools do that much better.

Additionally, persons tend to scan other people's gear to determine who has the highest offensive stats.

Remember, the overall aim is to finish the battle as quickly as possible.

Mar 02, 2009
My Myth has a full set of Darkmoor Mali gear. I got it through Pierce, Shatter, being the hit-spammer for Shane, and a couple million gold of treasure cards. Unfortunately, KI is not offering Myth many useful tools, since our minion-utility flops in any dungeon content, and the board manipulation tools are, in my opinion, too spread out (such as Enfeeble, Disarm, Steal Charm, Snow Drift and Steal Ward, all of which I think should be Myth). Our stun utility is again, rather useless, since most bosses have stun immunity.

KI has seemed to struggle with Myth's identity for a long while, and unfortunately until they figure out a new gimmick we'd better pack our treasure cards.