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Apr 30, 2009
I was wondering if there are any level 100 wizards who are, like me, looking to go through Darkmoor. I've hung out by the sigil and queued up. It usually takes a long time to assemble a group; and ultimately what happens is one or two results: (1) There are not enough players and everyone quits or (2) A player (or more than one player) will abandon the team during a fight, leaving their group in the lurch and to eventually disband.

Then, wash and repeat.

It's really quite annoying to try but go nowhere. I am sure there are others who are experiencing the same frustration. So I was wondering if anyone is looking for a committed player, like me, would like to meet up and knock it out? I know you are other and, also like me, are looking to achieve your 100 level spell. If so, let's meet up.

I don't know if this sort of query is allowed here, but thought I would give it a shot.

Thanks in advance!
Evan Titanpants
100 Necromancer

Dec 31, 2015
Darkmoor is my favorite world!!! You can all tell on my posts on where my wizard is from, and my first post that made no sense. (LOL) But i have always wanted to go in darkmoor without being lvl 100. I have wanted to help my other friends and welcome them to Castle darkmoor and help them with mailastare. And prob put that golden key to use. So yeah