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Crowns for spells or training points

Feb 11, 2013
I bought my daughter 13,000 crowns and we were wandering if she could use her crowns to buy training points, if so where does she go to buy them? Thanks in advance.

You cannot purchase extra training points, but you can buy back any that were already spent at Mr Lincoln on Golem Court.

You will receive one training point every 4 levels till 20. This means you will receive them at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. After level 20, you will receive one training point every 5 levels. You can also receive training points through certain quests. In order to learn higher level spells of a school, you have to first learn the lower level spells.

Dec 01, 2011
Professor Greyrose on Mar 25, 2013 wrote:
You cannot purchase extra training points, but you can buy back any that were already spent at Mr Lincoln on Golem Court.

You will receive one training point every 4 levels till 20. This means you will receive them at level 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20. After level 20, you will receive one training point every 5 levels. You can also receive training points through certain quests. In order to learn higher level spells of a school, you have to first learn the lower level spells.
A guide for the Training Points is found here: www.wizard101.com/forum/messageBoard/listPosts/game/8ad6a4153d62e919013d827043f51cdc?reset=1

A guide for the Training Points Quests is found here: www.duelist101.com/wizard101-pvp-guides-2/beginner-guides/a-beginners-guide-to-training-points/

There are two ways to get training points.
The first is simple. They are earned automatically as you level up. For levels 1-20, you earn a training point every 4 levels. After level 20, you earn one point for every 5 levels. This gives you a total of 17 points by the time you reach level 80.
The other way to get training points is through side quests. Many players overlook side quests as they follow the storyline. These are side quests that should not be skipped! You can earn 20 more training points through side quests.
There are two kinds of side quests that earn you training points:
The first type of side quest for training points are the quests given by Prospector Zeke. He has one quest in every world. He can be found in the “commons” area in each world. His quests are scavenger hunts for objects hidden throughout each world. His quests also have gold and experience points for rewards as well as training points. There are no level requirements for these quests. The only prerequisite for these quests is that you have completed the storyline quests to enter the world for the quest.

The second type of training point quests are those given by NPC’s in various locations. Some have prerequisites in the form of a minimum level and/or another side quest. You will find them in this order:
In Wizard City, Merle Ambrose gives the quest “Enrollment”

Prerequisite: Quest- “Rattlebones Report”
This quest is actually part of the main story line, so it cannot be skipped. It is the only training point quest that is part of the story line.
In Celestia, three quests are given by Ogden Peake. He can be found in Celestia base camp,
near the bottom of the entrance ramp, on the left side as you enter through the spiral door.

In Zafaria, Inyanga Whitestripes gives two side quests for training points. Inyanga can be found directly in front of the Spiral door in Baobab Crossroads.

In Avalon, 4 quests, for 3 points are given by Francis Lux. Francis can be found in the Library in Abbey Road.

This guide can be found by following the links at the top.

#Prof. Cicool

Feb 18, 2012
Just save up training points, don't use them on unnecessary spells, and create a huge stockpile of them to spend in Celestia on astral spells. I have done this on all of my wizards.

I hope you have found this post helpful :)

Aug 31, 2012