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[Castle Darkmoor]The plant called Aphrodite II

Oct 22, 2011
So I'm sure some of you are aware of this boss in Castle Darkmoor. This plant you don't fight directly, but rather, her "tendrils", being a random mix of life, death, and myth tendrils. Now, what I ask for here is some people willing to do this with me and MORE THAN ONCE if necessary. In case anyone doesn't know, the cheats are as follows:

1. At least one of the tendrils must be hit every turn. If no one hits one of them, then she casts a weird DoT that hits all wizards and leaves a -30% (plague) weaken, a -40% (black mantle) accuracy reduce, and a -50% infect.

2. No blades allowed unless the one corresponding to your position is dead. Damage globals count, too. Sanctuary, guiding light, and brilliant light DON'T count.

3. No DoT (damage over time) spells are allowed.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.

Sep 19, 2013
This is highly misleading. First of all, the only time you absolutely cannot blade is when a Myth tendril is across from you, as that triggers an earthquake. Life and Death tendrils just cast AoE damage spells. Furthermore, you can use DoT as long as it's on a Death tendril.

Sep 01, 2009
I would love to farm this with you. I'm Erin Dusk Weaver, level 120 ice, and I spend most of my time in the Kelvin realm. :D

Oct 22, 2011
Robobot1747 on Jan 11, 2017 wrote:
This is highly misleading. First of all, the only time you absolutely cannot blade is when a Myth tendril is across from you, as that triggers an earthquake. Life and Death tendrils just cast AoE damage spells. Furthermore, you can use DoT as long as it's on a Death tendril.
Well, if you read my previous comment carefully, I said you cannot blade until the one corresponding to your position is dead. To clarify, this is first player needs the enemy in first position to die and so on down the line to the last player and the enemy in the last position. I apologize for not stating this clearly here.

Also, someone used King Artorius (myth), which was a DoT, on a death tendril the day before yesterday and we got cheat attacked. So NO DoTs whatsoever.

Sure, they don't remove the blades, but who wants to constantly get cheat attacked with deer knights and forest lords when they already start off with a lot of pips?

Jul 24, 2015
I've farmed Aphrodite II before. In a good, full group, it's a fun, fast duel.

I have a level 112 , and am on most nights around 9pm Central.

Wizards doing this instance can do well with the Adapt aura. Many tendril hits are variants on Forest Lord (area 6-pip spell). A wizard with this aura up can actually spam Rebirth due to the large number of extra pips.

Due to Earthquake risk, tendrils should be killed first.

Also note that the natural attack of the tendrils places a dispel of their school on their target.

Oct 22, 2011
Liam Wyrmhammer on Jan 13, 2017 wrote:
I've farmed Aphrodite II before. In a good, full group, it's a fun, fast duel.

I have a level 112 , and am on most nights around 9pm Central.

Wizards doing this instance can do well with the Adapt aura. Many tendril hits are variants on Forest Lord (area 6-pip spell). A wizard with this aura up can actually spam Rebirth due to the large number of extra pips.

Due to Earthquake risk, tendrils should be killed first.

Also note that the natural attack of the tendrils places a dispel of their school on their target.
1. Yeah, emphasis being on a GOOD group. I created this topic because I usually either end up with bad groups or quitters.

2. Thanks for the advice on adapt. Why didn't I think of that?

3. Actually, the natural attack of ones put a and a dispel on their target, not a one strangely.

Anyway, here's a list of my characters, sorry for not posting previously.

Valerian Redeyes: level 117 (The one I'm on most and the one I'm farming this boss on currently.)
Mackenzie Pearlbreeze: level 94 (Getting on this one a bit more lately.)
Christopher Emeraldcatcher: level 84 (Off and on for this one.)
Alexander Goldenheart: level 75 (Not on this one a lot, but more than one of them.)
Cassandra Shadowdreamer: level 73 (Hardly on this one.)

To those who plan to help me, we also need to schedule a meeting time, seeing as my "hours" are random. I can be there at (almost) any time for now. Just know that I'm on Central time, so convert your time accordingly.

Jan 31, 2009
I'll run it with you. I'm a 120 Death, plus I can spam attacks. Add me Blaze DuskStalker, usually in Ambrose realm next to the daily assignments.