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Castle Darkmoor

Nov 16, 2013
Hey all! So I just started running Castle Darkmoor(farming?) for the first time today and I'm struggling. Team up usually ends up with a bunch of low damage school classes, myself included, and we try and the first battle takes forever and everyone just ends up quitting because it takes so long. Does anyone have good advice on finding a team for Darkmoor? And for any lower damage classes, any advice on how not to be so useless while waiting for the storms to get their shadow pips every battle?

Feb 21, 2010
well, castle darkmoor has a room that requires a gold key that contains a treasure chest. this chest drops the best mastery amulets in the game in my humble opinion. You could use that as a selling point when trying to find groups.

to not be useless as you say means thinking as if you are on a team. all the dungeons in that area needs a functioning team to make it less of a slugfest and more of a fun run. Blade your hitters. throw down some traps that they can use. the first fight has a healing penalty so that's out unless you want to take one for the team and aid the hitter. Just think of yourself as being part of an integrated team and have fun at it. the second boss in there will try your patience. be advised. he is mean.